Too much attachment to the past can prevent Venus in Cancer people from enjoying the moment. the new Love Ties report. If a mans Venus is in Leo, he may be attracted to women who are proud, outgoing, and perhaps even gaudy. Better half: Somebody who takes life seriously and determinedly; 4. Its a thing that they agree on. They dont want to follow all the rules, although they may make quite a few of their own. With money, Venus in Aries may be impulse buyers. The negative expression of this placement is overstating of feelings simply for the effect, as well as extravagance. Im romantic and love good conversations. A lover in the sign of the Twins (Gemini) finds pleasure in the running commentary, and quick witty back and forth wordplay. Because this is not always possible they are only human after all! They want very much to forgive, allow, and give unselfishly. Although they want to explore all of your nooks and crannies, they wont always be forthcoming with their own. They do need some space (after all, theyre generally quite busy making everything work), so give it to them. Determine the positions of Venus and Mars by sign and learn the sexual secrets of your partner, and yourself! Its a different story if you do the same, however. Venus in Cancer men often go out of their way to avoid feeling rejected, and this is mirrored in their attraction to women who are not too aggressive, loud, or overly confident. They want you to see just how competent they are. These lovers are playful some might even call them a tease. Venus in Virgo has a more parsimonious reputation, but Venus in Cancer would feel cared for by Venus in Virgo's attention to detail. There's an edge here, that tips toward passion, or toward a love-hate patternor bothA deal breaker for Venus-Leo is not feeling respected. Controlling. Venus in Taurus, Mars in Cancer Your Venus is in an Earth sign and your Mars is in a Water sign. They can find a way that any position anywhere on the political spectrum ties into their view of family values somehow. They may experience many emotional ups and downs in love due to sensitivity and impressionability. Harmony and peace are important factors in the art and music they are attracted to. They sometimes appear very sensitive and yielding, and other times completely closed off, for example. (Mars helps to round out the picture in terms of sexual attraction and style). There are also many people with Venus in Gemini or Leo who have the Sun in Cancer. In love, Venus in Aries people are hopelessly addicted to the conquest. They appreciate romance and poetry, and they prefer to feel out both you and the relationship you share, so dont expect too much planning ahead. There can be some inconstancy and possibly a tendency to escape or flee when love is too complex, intricate, or needy. The Venus in Cancer man tends to show his love and affection right from the start, and he won't hesitate to reveal all his emotions if he thinks it's the right moment. If a mans Venus is in Scorpio, thefemme fatale is just fine for him. Negatives: Unsafe and cynical; 3. These people are sensitive in love, even if their Sun sign is the more playful and outgoing signs of Gemini or Leo. He can theoretically be interested in a woman with any type of look, but he tends to notice feminine attributes like long hair, simple and sweet clothing, soft summer dresses, and aura of innocence, etc. With the goddess of love in Pisces, love is all-embracing, they are able to forgive and understand, they are seducible and seductive, and they show tremendous compassion to their partners. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? If you like knowing where your relationship is headed, youll be mighty pleased with Venus in Capricorn. When it's love time, will it be sensual enough for the Venus-Taurus lover? These people are very focused on their partners. Venus in Virgo is attracted to nondescript people who have largely gone unnoticed. That means people who have Venus in Cancer can have the Sun in only the following signs: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, or Virgo. This is when they use their extraordinary nursing abilities on themselves, instead of youand you simply dont want that! Remember that time spent with your lover will be exciting and invigorating. They dont easily adapt to others feelings and moods. Their charm is natural and earthy. You flirt in a slow and steady way with a consistent magnetism. Although they are willing to talk (perhaps endlessly) about the relationship, you may get the feeling that they gloss over some of the deeper issues. They can appear quite standoffish at times, and are threatened by restrictions of any kind. Avoid pushing them in love give them plenty of time. My Personal Ad Bio: Im just a regular guy/gal. Experimental relationships are intriguing to them. Similarly, the fire or air sign worker in the healthcare industry might gravitate toward experimental therapies. Their emotion and intensity may seem overdone to those looking for a more lighthearted relationship. Truth is, they can be rather romantic souls who yearn for a partner to share their lives with. Learn to look past their clumsiness with you and your feelings, and avoid cornering them or forcing them to commit. Flashiness is often appealing, although some will prefer a slightly more understated look. Even if they are found in stable industries, they find the wilder parts of those industries. Please connect with me, after youve had a reading. They are a little shy in matters of the heart, but they dont want you to know it. Venus in Virgo men and women quietly (and often slowly) make their way into your heart. They are warm, generous, and even grand. Their lovers may complain that Venus in Taurus can get a little too comfortable and settled. They will spend the most on their family and close friends, as well as on building their homes. Gemini Finding a soul mate, a person with whom to share all the moments of happiness, someone whom to support him in times of need, is his greatest . He wants a courteous partner he can show off to others. When in Cancer, Venus becomes more emotional and sentimental. Dont know your Venuss sign? People with Venus in Cancer do not just have a strong emotional attachment to their romantic partners. Venus in Leo loves to court and be courted, and they need to feel very special. Sweetness, and a simple voluptuousness in a woman is ideal. Venus in Leo people may spend a lot on entertainment or sometimes just to show off! Rather, Pisces sees all the colors of the rainbow. Love for Venus in Cancer is best when it is committed and rather predictable. I will please you. They are threatened by inhibitions on the part of their lover, dullness, and emotional overkill. A man with his Venus in Cancer will be best suited with a partner who has their Venus or sun in Cancer. Venus in Aries men and women behave in a childlike, fun-loving manner in love. With the exception of this quality, Venus in Aquarius people are some of the most unselfish people in love. This is because Venus reveals what we love, find pleasing, and what turns us on to some degree. Think about how a crab (the symbol of Cancer) moves towards its goal, and you will get a fair idea of Venus in Cancers approach. They see their willingness to forgive and understand as a strength, and you should too. If an Aries woman wants a cancer man, then she should try to know him thoroughly. Second Best Match: Venus in Cancer with partner's Venus in water signs Their charm is natural and earthy. Rendering services to others can fill a need, and can be an expression of love. Living up to others expectations can also be a problem for some, and can prevent them from truly appreciating the moment. I have them in my office and they create a zen feel for me while Im working. 1. People born under this sign are strongly influenced by water and have a fast 'flow' of feelings and sensitivity and rapid attachment to people. . An upright citizensomeone who lives their values. Pisces never sees the world in black-and-white terms. Her taste in art and style is toward the well-constructed, harmonious, artful. Im comfortable and comforting. Venus in Cancer women are affectionate, loyal, tender and empathetic. They are roamers and seekers, and dont commit in their relationships as easily as others. Remember to be simple and natural Taurus will appreciate it. I will accept you. My Personal Ad Bio: I am a dependable guy/gal. They value lovers who are also good friends, and they avoid emotional displays or confrontations like the plague. Craft, artistry, a lover with know-how and a growing body of work. Where is Venus placed by zodiacal sign in your chart? They can be possessive in love and with objects. For example, a man with Venus in Aries and Moon in Taurus might be attracted to forthright, independent women in general, but as far as selecting a woman for a long-term partnership goes, he might choose a more demure woman with steady affections and a softer, more traditionally feminine personality and/or appearance. Similarly, women are thought to more easily relate to and own Venus qualities. If two people who are like that come together, it may not be pleasant for them, but it could be absolutely wonderful for everyone else they know. Their desire for union is not just physical, but in mind . What they buy and the types of entertainment they enjoy are ruled by whether or not things make sense. The Taurus lover might not show the intensity but is physically present in a way that's complimentary. In an attempt to avoid unpleasant situations, they could easily gloss over deeper issues at play in their relationships. Venus in Taurus is particularly romantic, as Taurus is one of the signs that Venus rules. Emotional types may be put off by their detached manner in love. Taurus and Virgo are the earth signs closest to water sign Cancer. He doesn't want a partner . Venus in Virgo people express their love through practical means and gesturesrunning errands, doing detail work, or just being there for their lovers. Breakups are of course a huge threat to emotional security, and emotional security is so important to the water signs that they will tolerate just about anything to avoid a breakup. They might over-analyze their lovers, their lovers reactions and words chosen, and their love lives in general. This is a highly emotional position for Venus. Promise them a comfortable, cozy time. In a . Venus Basics: Which Sun signs can have Venus in Cancer? Love is magnificent and grand to Venus in Leo people. Still, these lovers are always worried theyll be left high and dry. Venus in Taurus is particularly romantic, as Taurus is one of the signs that Venus rules. In their case, the common ground has to do with maintaining structures of society. Leo Fears of being too vulnerable or of giving up their own power to others is strong. They are somewhat fickle when it comes to their attachment to objects and personal possessions, and they seek variety in the things that they own. Turn-offs include a relationship that is considered stuffy or too mature, vagueness, and beating around the bush. Its probably best to avoid the trap of acquiescing to their partners but privately resenting the fact or thinking themselves martyrs for doing so! Positive: Patient and energetic; 2. Cancer is the sign of a watery planet governed by the Moon. Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. Avoid taking advantage of their good nature and willingness to make sacrifices. Another important piece of information contained in your astrological chart is your Venus sign, because Venus rules your values and your approach to love. In men, Venus shows how he deals with his feminine side and can also indicate the type of women he seeks in a relationship. Others image of their relationship matters to them. Venus in Leo Compatibility. If Your Moon or Venus are in Taurus - You're attracted to an easy-going, earthy woman who is affectionate and likes to cuddle and kiss. Venus in Capricorn people are generally serious about their finances. Im funny, and experienced. Certainly, they can come across as lacking in warmth and spontaneity. On the flip side, they may last longer in a love-only relationship in the absence of satisfying sex, but they are unlikely to feel very satisfied. Have you ever wanted the sound of the ocean splashing in the background as you work at your desk, or cook dinner in the kitchen? They tend to seek balance in their personal environment, and can be quite picky or choosy when it comes to aestheticsbalanced, harmonious, classical art is preferred. 943 45 95 94; 619 32 00 99; . Can be very patient in love. It is important to look at Venus signs in assessing relationship compatibility with astrology, because Venus rules your values and your approach to love. Pleasing Venus in Gemini involves supporting their need for fun and variety, showing interest in their brainpower and knowledge, and giving them space for friends and activities outside of the relationship. When the going gets tough in their relationship, they have an overwhelming need to run away. Venus in Taurus people are very physical lovers, with a great appreciation for scents, sounds, feels, and pleasing form. Two Venus in Cancer people together would be very sweet and domestic. Both Venus and the Moon are feminine planets. Fortunately for them, a partner with Venus in Taurus or Venus in Virgo will not let that happen. Positives: Aspirant and Organised; 2. Sometimes we see men with very different Venus and Moon signs who have distinctly different types of women when it comes to pure attraction and those he would consider as long-term or relationship material. Be direct, open, and honest with them they wont much like game-playing or evasiveness, unless it is in the complete spirit of fun. They are deeply sensual, passionate and they love sex. . He often is attracted to more traditionally feminine looks, simply dressed (not gaudy or flashy). Venus in Gemini people will try to win over the object of their affection with witty conversation, displaying just how much they know, and demonstrating their diverse interests. While Venus in Cancer can become insular, narrowly focused on their own needs and those of their close family, a Venus in Pisces partner could encourage Venus in Cancer to broaden their outlook and extend compassion to a broader circle. Venus in Libra people will try to impress you with their kindness, evenhandedness, and willingness to make your relationship work. My Personal Ad Bio: I have a good job, I invest wisely. If a mans Venus is in Sagittarius, an energetic, happy aura in a woman is often most appealing. Cancer love is dedicated, warm, and devoted. They generally keep their cool in relationships. Pleasing Venus in Aquarius involves letting them know just how interesting they are. My Personal Ad Bio: I am fun and funny. Ill make you happy in bed.. Loves spontaneous expressions of affection and sexuality. Venus leaves the Cancer zodiac on 27th June. So with Venus here, the main draw is through the senseswhat appeals to the eyes, ears, touch, taste, and smell. They are turned off by anything impersonal, and too much rationalizing leaves them cold. Try to understand them, although thats never an easy task considering the fact that they dont always know themselves. With her romantic gestures to show her loyalty and his nurturing and sensitive . [], Who Is Venus in Sagittarius Compatible With? As in the theory underlying Chinese medicine, theres Yang within the Yin. Venus in Scorpio (Most Compatible) The man born under the Venus in Taurus craves for love and passion. Still, you may find their conclusions about you seem skewed and mistrustful. They have it to everyone in their circle of care, which can be quite large: their family, their friends, their religion, their political party, their nation, and more. They will generally bend over backwards for someone they love, but might keep too much to themselves and eventually feel resentful if affection is not returned in a similar manner. No matter what happens in the world, industries like education, healthcare, food, and banking arent going anywhere. Aloofness or a dignified, confident aura is usually appealing to these men. Venus in Cancer people are nurturing, protective and self-protective, cautious, and fertile. Better half: someone who is content with their life 4. Although they usually enjoy flirting, they may remain somewhat aloof when it comes to matters of the heart. Remember, though, that some Venus in Scorpio lovers can and will take advantage of you on a subtle level, if only to keep you all to themselves. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Together they opt for the high-end, though will it be a camping adventure or an urban one? They may be reacting to a condition or situation of the moment, for example.