which of the following statements accurately describes viruses?
which of the following statements accurately describes viruses?

- Differences between acute and chronic exposures e. Listeria monocytogenes d. T-cell and B-cell development d) lytic phages - Endocrine disrupters may cause reproductive dysfunction in females. This number doesn't include people killed by smoking tobacco. d. massive production of IL-2, IFN-, and TNF- This idea is summarized in the statement "the ___________________ makes the poison. The three kinds of blood lipoproteins and the differences between their composition and function, Which unit is the larger? b. Reactivation of herpesviruses follows stressful incidents. c) viroids c. Both membranes consist of two concentric phospholipid bilayers, are selectively permeable, and have pores. 13-44 Listeria monocytogenes replicates in _____ of macrophages after _____. Which of the following factors do policymakers consider most important in setting an effective environmental health policy? d. viruses are prokaryotic and bacteria are eukaryotic . d. The water will not move at all because the water concentrations are isotonic. - Infectious diseases such as diarrhea are on the decline globally. d. There will be no net movement of water because the solutions are isotonic. c. bacteria and yeast This is because the solution on the left side of the figure is hypertonic while the solution on the right side of the figure is hypotonic. b. class II transactivator (CIITA) - The chemical industry disputes the need for testing, and industry-funded scientists point to contradictions and uncertainties in published studies. c. The radish cells were hypertonic to the water in which they were soaking. Larger fish eat smaller fish Which of the following characterizes Chytridiomycosis? d. phagocytosis. Neurotoxins are poisons that affect us by ______. Interpret this graph by matching each label to the correct line in the graph. True or false: Ecological diseases refer to infectious diseases that strictly affect wildlife or cause damage to habitats. d) the proteins on the viral surface and that of the host cell membrane. Question: Which of the following statements accurately describes a viral envelope? 13-35 Protective antibodies generated in response to influenza virus bind to _____ of the viral envelope. Viruses can reproduce only using a host cell. b. purine nucleotide phosphorylase (PNP) c. They do not readily mix with the hydrophobic tails forming the core of the phospholipid bilayer; therefore, they must move across by facilitated diffusion. What are the qualities of PFCs that make them so useful? e. They induce suppression of the immune response by causing T cells to undergo apoptosis. You also notice that the solution inside of the cell is now a dark blue color while the solution in the beaker is still a light yellow color from the iodine. b) retroviruses c. variable surface glycoprotein (VSG) a. Patriot Lite Travel Medical Insurance SM - Addresses the insurance needs of U.S. and non-U.S. citizens who need temporary medical insurance while traveling for business or pleasure anywhere outside of their home country. Which of the following statements correctly describes one characteristic of the lytic cycle of viral replication? become capable of human-to-human transmission Which of the following statements accurately describes the lysogenic cycle of lambda () phage? 20. New York State coalition hepatitis C consensus statement leads to governor's action. c. variable surface glycoproteins d) Viruses do not represent a single taxonomic group. Bisphenol A (BPA) - Used to produce plastic-coated items such as linings of cans and bottles, tooth-protecting sealants, and water pipes. d. creates energy by converting ribosomes to proteins. b. antigenic shift From what substance do liposomes spontaneously form and why are they important? You are a microbiologist working with a species of bacteria that can perform photosynthesis. A. Gases expand very easily due to a property called compressibility. Cancer Which of the following statements accurately describes plant virus infections? e. It is secreted and functions as a monomer but facilitates the dimerization of its receptor. d) Vertical transmission is the spread of viruses from trees and tall plants to bushes and other smaller plants, and horizontal transmission is the spread of viruses among plants of similar size. If you already knew that the infectious agent was a prion, select all the treatments that would allow you to distinguish this? Substances that cause invasive, out-of-control cell growth resulting in tumors are called ______. The Sprague-Dawley rat is ______ to endocrine disrupters than ordinary rats, so studies using them are not reliable. Which of the following statements accurately describes the properties of gases? Contrast the methods used by the Greek philosophers and Dalton to study the 0.04 ppm - Zooplankton Treat the sample with proteases that digest all proteins and then determine whether it is still infectious. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum a. integrase This is because the solution on the left side of the figure is hypertonic while the solution on the right side of the figure is hypotonic. Explain. B. B.) For some toxic substances, a millionth of a gram (an amount invisible to the naked eye) can be lethal. A) A disease is traditionally diagnosed and treated by a nurse. - do not damage or kill living organisms by reacting with cellular components to disrupt metabolic functions The solution level on the left side of the figure would rise while the solution level on the right side of the figure would decrease. b. proper hand washing. - Chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes are increasing and spreading to poorer populations. Which of the following statements accurately describes how viruses reproduce? What is the most likely reason for the disagreement? a. osmosis c. They do not readily mix with the hydrophobic tails forming the core of the phospholipid bilayer; therefore, they must move across by facilitated diffusion. Which of the following statements about viruses is false? Response curve representing no response for low doses - Line c. The idea of hormesis, the nonlinear effect of a toxin in which a low dose is ______ and high dose is ______, was misapplied in a 2018 rule proposed by the EPA that suggested a little pollution was beneficial to health. d. pinocytosis. c. The cell should gain weight over time because it is hypertonic to the beaker environment and water will enter the cell through osmosis. d. palisade mesophyll, Which of the following would be the best analogy for the function of the Golgi apparatus? Factor related to the toxic agent - Composition and reactivity of the chemical Which of the following statements accurately describes plant virus infections? 13-80 Reverse transcriptase is a _____ encoded by _____. Treat the substance with nucleases that destroy all nucleic acids and then determine whether it is still infectious. 13-2 _____ results when a gene affecting the immune system mutates, thereby compromising the body's defense against infection. e. capsular polysaccharide. c. Epidemics; pandemics A variety of respiratory diseases in humans can be caused by adenoviruses. 5. Persistence of chemicals can be a concern for health because such ______. A. Oxygenated blood is taken to the heart, from the lungs into the left atrium via the pulmonary arteries B. Oxygenated blood is taken to the heart, from the lungs into the right atrium via the pulmonary veins The function of photosynthesis is to use solar energy to make ATP; the primary function of respiration is to break down ATP to release energy. e. protease. - Immunological status affects susceptibility to toxins. They are often harmful even in extremely dilute concentrations d. eukaryotic and animal. - that some minimal dose is necessary before any effect can be observed. - the presence of a defense mechanism that prevents the toxin from reaching its target or repairs the damage that the toxin causes d) viroid a. CD18; produce cell adhesion molecules d. a chromosome, where the pipe cleaners represent bundles of proteins around which the DNA double helix (wired ribbon) is wrapped. d. pinocytosis. Which of the following groups of people is most likely to have an increased exposure to toxic chemicals because of their job responsibilities? Match the following causes of death with the lifetime chance of dying that way in the United States. c. passive carrier proteins This manuscript presents a full duplex communication system for the Deaf and Mute (D-M) based on Machine Learning (ML). d. reverse transcriptase. One important way to control the spread of viruses is through a. the use of vaccines. b. Viruses can reproduce on their own at any time. They are only capable of reproducing once inside a living host cell Viruses are living cells that are lacking the necessary structures to carry out cellular functions. White-nose syndrome is a fungal disease that is devastating bat populations, causing mortality of 90 percent or more in infected colonies. f. provoke vomiting and diarrhea when ingested. All of the answers given. Virus b. Factor related to the organism - Immunological status at the time of exposure to the chemical. Toluene and formaldehyde from cigarette smoke - Inhalation (respiratory tract) f. It is able to render target cells responsive even if they express only one functional allele of IFNR1. b) Viruses can replicate independently of their cellular hosts. III. How would the affect the HIV infection cycle? Exposure to background radiation, like from radon gas - Chronic exposure After returning to your desk, you observe the slide with your microscope and notice that all of the red blood cells (RBCs) do not look like the nice round donut shaped cells in your lab manual. About Us: If your goal is to build a career that makes a difference, consider joining the dedicated people of the Colorado Department of Human Services(CDHS). c. nucleic acids. Which of the following is a reasonable and possible explanation of the experimental results? b. You have four methods at your disposal that you can use to analyze the substance in order to determine the nature of the infectious agent. In the following section, we describe this approach in detail. c. prokaryotic cells . Which of the following is not a concern of environmental toxicology? a. the cell wall DDT is a well-known case of biomagnification in the environment. Which of the following is/are part of accepted cell theory? Which of the following statements about viruses is false? a. it created the massachusetts bay colony. Multiple Choice Q09 Which of the following statements correctly describes the most probable fate of a newly emerging virus that causes high mortality in its host? Viruses contain DNA, so they are alive. d. a chromosome, where the pipe cleaners represent bundles of proteins around which the DNA double helix (wired ribbon) is wrapped. (Use just one word for your answer.). a. pinocytosis. e. factor I - for activities we enjoy or find profitable Dose (amount of experience) - Horizontal (x) axis a) bacteriophages What general cell type are you most likely observing? b. X-linked hyper IgM syndrome Which of the following statements accurately describes the concepts of disease and illness? d. the plasma membrane, Using the compound light microscope in the lab room, you observe a wet mount slide preparation. 0.003 ppb - DDT in water - Pesticide residues are not necessarily harmful, for a substance produces a harmful effect only if it reaches within the body in a high enough dose. If the concentration of sugar molecules in water on side "A" of a selectively permeable membrane is 5 percent, and the concentration of sugar molecules in water on side "B" of a selectively permeable membrane is 15 percent, which way will the water move and why? c. global populations; local populations They are only capable of reproducing once inside a living host cell. Determine the average shear stress on the wetted perimeter of this channel. a. we are exposed to many sources of harm, and it is difficult to separate the effects of different hazards in order to evaluate their risks accurately. 13-4 The serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae differ in their _____. a. Where is the most likely place that enzymes needed for cellular respiration are anchored and functioning? This vesicle is now within the amoeba itself and will soon fuse with other vesicles containing digestive enzymes. What do you expect to happen to the weight of the cell over time and what can you deduce from the color change? Biomagnification occurs because of bioaccumulation. Colony collapse disorder is a persistent epidemic that affects ___________________. b. a prokaryotic cell with a nucleus. - suggests a "better safe than sorry" approach of social responsibility to protect the public from harm in the face of scientific uncertainty True or false: Our bodies often reduce the effects of toxic substances by eliminating them through our breath, sweat, and urine. A mutation in the gene encoding the integrase enzyme (the protein that inserts the dsDNA into a host cell's DNA) renders the protein non-functional. What persistent pollutant formerly was used in paint and gasoline and is linked to numerous health concerns such as cancer, reproductive problems, mental issues, behavior problems, and deformities? is an emerging discipline that seeks to understand how environmental changes threaten our health and the environment itself. osprey accumulates compounds stored by all prey lower in the food chain. A cheetah can run 121212 km/h over a 100100100 m distance. The 2015 outbreak of the Zika virus was especially concerning as infected pregnant mothers were having babies with ______. Key points: A virus is an infectious particle that reproduces by "commandeering" a host cell and using its machinery to make more viruses. Both bacteria and viruses use host cells to reproduce, but viruses . Increased frequency:decreased depth of penetration C. Increased blood flow:greater temperature increase D. Increased water content:increased ultrasound absorption The County of San Diego Announces an Excellent Entry Level Professional Opportunity AIR QUALITY INSPECTOR I Interviews will take place the week of April 24, 2023. a. DNA-dependent DNA polymerase; HIV Q. d) Cutting and assembling the capsid would be halted. 13-29 Severe combined immune deficiency (SCID) describes a condition in which neither _____ nor _____ are functional. d. RAG-1 or RAG-2 b. virus cells . Why are animals still used to test toxicity of substances? A healthy individual may be insensitive to doses of toxins dangerous to someone who is ill. Which of the following statements correctly describes one difference between vertical and horizontal transmission of plant viruses? host cell indefinitely. Match the examples to chronic or acute effects and exposures. Drowning Which of the following statements correctly describes one difference between green algae and land plants? c. osmosis. 80% of antibiotics used in the United States are _______. d. Transport proteins, channel proteins, and passive carrier proteins all help increase the selective permeability of a phospholipid bilayer membrane. What is this speed in meters per second? b) They can be controlled by the use of antibiotics. They bind to MHC class I molecules and T-cell receptors. They may contain genomic DNA or RNA. Filter the substance to remove all elements smaller than what can be easily seen under a light microscope. A virus is living because it has an envelope that acts like a cell membrane. This is because the solution on the left side of the figure is hypertonic while the solution on the right side of the figure is hypotonic. 13-42 Epstein-Barr virus infects and establishes latency in _____, gaining entry by binding to _____. On the basis of the experimental data and the gradient-less optimization approach, the modeling strategy and the parameterized equivalent dynamic finite element model are presented. Developing radiation sickness after exposure to radiation - Acute effect answer choices Viruses can eat and metabolize food. c. RNA-dependent DNA polymerase; HIV d. lysosomes, The leaves of a plant typically have different tissue layers that function in different ways. Over time, the students sitting in the far corner of the room would smell the perfume. Ospreys eat larger fish. Which of the following are true about the effects of exposure to carcinogens? With the first bite, you notice their texture is not as crisp and crunchy as you like. Which of the following statements accurately describes a viral envelope? Which of the following is/are part of accepted cell theory? The tertiary structure consists of eight beta-strands connected by -helices (known as the globin fold) Hemoglobin is a tetramer composed of two different types of globin subunits, each of which has an O 2 binding site The mosquito becomes infected when it feeds on the blood of a person infected with the virus. c. secondary immunodeficiency diseases Correct answers: 2 question: 7. which one of the following statements is most accurate regarding the mayflower compact? Expert Answer Answer:- option (d) accurately describe the differences between bacteria and virus. c) the proteins in the host's cytoplasm Viral genomes consist of what type of nucleic acid molecules? Which of the following statements accurately explains why tissue repair mechanisms may make those tissues more susceptible to cancer? a. rise markedly after T-cell activation The ________________ principle is being used to regulate toxins by requiring manufacturers to prove that substances are safe rather than requiring regulators to show that they are dangerous. 13-56 Bare lymphocyte syndrome leading to a lack of HLA class II molecule expression is due to a defect in _____. Oil-soluble types - These substances need a carrier molecule to move through the environment, but once they are inside cells they likely accumulate and persist. County employees are subject . The color change indicates that the iodine molecules were small enough to diffuse across the membrane and react with the starch inside the cell. a. gene conversion Capitalism is an economic system that operates under the. Match the term with its correct definition. c. a TAP peptide transporter a. d. The host cell must provide the transcriptional and translational machinery in order for RNA and protein products to be made from proviruses. a. contain genetic material b. can be killed using antibiotics c. have a cell membrane d. have a protein coat a 5. Examine the figure below. Living cells have an intact phospholipid bilayer that separates the cell from its external environment; this structure is commonly referred to as the. b. a cell wall. The following regions were not resolved in the cryo-EM map and so were omitted from the atomic model: residues 146 to 160 corresponding to the GS linker in the FMC63 scFv and residues 21 to 22, 40 to 46, 133 to 152, and 175 to 184 corresponding to flexible loops in CD19. c. gp41 c. oxygen (O2) Rank the order of the following causes of death, putting the lowest risk of death for a person in the United States on bottom and the highest risk of death at the top. Which of the following statements accurately describes the measles virus? Herpes simplex virus infects B lymphocytes. Public policies regarding toxicity are based on the results of ______, and scientists still have the most confidence in this method. c. The solution level on the left side of the figure would decrease while the solution level on the right side of the figure would rise. a) They can be spread via the plasmodesmata. They produce proteins used by other parts of the cell. The study of the effects of flammable chemicals on forests, Allergies, headaches, and chronic fatigue due to poorly ventilated indoor spaces contaminated by toxins, such as formaldehyde released from carpeting, furniture, and other building materials can result in ______________ _____________ ______________. c. No; although prokaryotic cells are comparatively less efficient than eukaryotic cells, they are still able to carry out the processes necessary for survival and reproduction. c. the cytosol b. nuclear envelope. a) They can be spread via the plasmodesmata. atom. d. It is secreted by CD8 cytotoxic T cells, CD4 TH1 cells, and NK cells. b. Every living organism is composed of one or more cells, and all living cells have membrane-enclosed organelles. The epidermis layer functions like a covering of skin to protect the leaf while vascular bundles carry water and nutrients through the leaf. Find the general solution of the given system. 25 ppm - Ospreys. This is because the solution on the left side of the figure is hypertonic while the solution on the right side of the figure is hypotonic. The cell should lose weight over time because it is hypertonic to the beaker environment and water will leave the cell through osmosis. d. carbon dioxide (CO2), b. sodium ions (Na+), hydrogen ions (H+), sugars, and amino acids. answer choices Organism that lives on the cell and causes it harm Something that causes harm to the cell Cell that the virus invades and takes over Question 3 120 seconds Q. b. pinocytosis Which of the following statements accurately describes a difference between viruses and bacteria? a. water (H2O) a. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome caused by deficiency of WASP The bacterial phage lambda can infect some bacteria and The WBC's job is to take the bacteria inside of itself and destroy the bacteria. a. is the place where a cell's genetic material is stored. Potential routes of exposure to toxins in the environment. Though categorizing toxins based on potency is useful, it is complicated by differences in individual and species reactions to particular chemicals. b) removal of viral mRNAs b. the chromosome .Know, understand, incorporate, and demonstrate the Mission, Vision, Values and Guiding Behaviors of Trinity Health and LIFE at St. Joseph of the Pines in behaviors, practices, and decisions. a. In this paper, the experimental modes of a large-scale photoelectric theodolite tracking frame are presented. Correct Response Glyphosate - Used as an herbicide, Roundup d. inhibition of peptide transport by transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) 13-3 A primary immune response against influenza virus produces antibodies that bind to _____. Most amphibian species are susceptible to the fungus that causes Chytridiomycosis, which is spreading rapidly likely due to environmental changes. Contrary to the risk probabilities, we are often willing to accept far greater risk than the general threshold ______. Which of the following statement accurately characterize prediabetes? 13-53 Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD), a condition resulting in chronic bacterial and fungal infections, is caused by one or more defects in _____, compromising the ability of macrophages to _____. The envelope helps protect viruses exposed to heat and/or detergents. The saline you used was isotonic to the RBCs; this resulted in water osmosing through the RBC plasma membrane into and out of the cells at an equal rate. b. The viral replication cycle can produce dramatic biochemical and structural changes in the host cell, which may cause cell damage. Question 1. 13-76 Which of the following is required for fusion of the human immunodeficiency viral envelope with the host cell membrane and subsequent internalization? d. the proteasome cannot generate viral peptides for presentation by MHC class I molecules. A solid waste (garbage) transfer facility that sorts and breaks down garbage into recyclables and waste to be thrown away in the landfill would be a suitable analogy for which cellular organelle? Which cell that was viewed is most likely a prokaryote. Nearly all substances are toxic depending on the amount, delivery rate, and method. Which of the following is something bacteria and viruses have in common? Exhaling excess carbon dioxide - Lungs c. Bruton's tyrosine kinase Q. These special proteins tell the white blood cells those bacterial cells do not belong to that particular human and to phagocytize (eat) them. The measles virus causes mouth and gum infections. b. The chemical reaction caused the organophosphates from the detergent to chemically combine with lipids from the oil to form phospholipids with hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails. c. a prokaryotic cell without a nucleus. Outbreaks of health problems that have a psychological rather than a physical basis are referred to as ______. A. Which of the following statements accurately describes the lysogenic cycle of lambda () phage? - They are both caused by viruses. c. the ER lumen. It has not been previously known or has been absent for at least 20 years. What is the current concern with using Sprague-Dawley rats in toxicology studies? The solution level on the left side of the figure would decrease while the solution level on the right side of the figure would rise. e b. polysaccharides triggering a response in our immune systems, foreign materials that stimulate the production of specific antibodies. e. agammaglobulinemia caused by deficiency of Bruton's tyrosine kinase - Most organisms tolerate some exposure to a toxin but ultimately the dose gets large enough to kill them. The POPs of greatest concerns include substances such as chloropyrifos and glyphosate; we are exposed to them primarily by ______ because they are used in the production of ______. A collection of three American sterling silver vases and a sterling-overlay glass vasevarious makers, 20th centuryComprising a Tiffany & Co. bud vase with 925 sterling hallmark, with 1907-1947 date mark, maker's mark, "19397 5521" marked to interior; an early 20th century Unger bud vase with vine and floral engraving, with sterling hallmark, maker's mark, "09792" marked to . The nuclear envelope consists of two concentric phospholipid bilayers while the plasma membrane is only one phospholipid bilayer. b. impenetrable d. Chdiak-Higashi syndrome caused by deficiency of CHS1 Which of the following accurately describes HIV? The Black Death, the 1918 influenza, and the H1N1 flu virus were all ______, as they caused widespread and worldwide infections. b. classical complement and blood-clotting pathways Which statement is incorrect regarding internal control in personal computer environment? Prokaryotic cells must also carry out respiration but do not have mitochondria. . 13-10 Which of the following is not associated with the reactivation of herpesviruses? d. extracellular spaces; coating itself with human proteins c. latency

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