You don't want to miss any news about this event? . Because ASIAS is a conduit for exchanging safety information among participants so that data can be aggregated and analyzed and the results used to enhance safety. But how does sharing safety data lead to that goal? The architecture platform is designed to process the increasing volume, variety and velocity of data to be collected and analyzed, and to address associated data management challenges.. Fusion Data-fusion analytics (or simply Fusion) bypasses the limits associated with analyzing data found in separate silos of information, FAA said. AMFA and Alaska Airlines met to discuss the annual pay scale wage review on October 3, 2022 outlined in Article 23, Wage Rules for wage increase. ");b!=Array.prototype&&b!=Object.prototype&&(b[c]=a.value)},h="undefined"!=typeof window&&window===this?this:"undefined"!=typeof global&&null!=global?global:this,k=["String","prototype","repeat"],l=0;lb||1342177279>>=1)c+=c;return a};q!=p&&null!=q&&g(h,n,{configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:q});var t=this;function u(b,c){var a=b.split(". Aviation Safety InfoShare 2016 Mar 2016 Managing the challenges of Turbulence in the airline industry with technology and culture change. . Aviation Conferences in USA 2023/2024/2025 lists relevant events for national/international researchers, scientists, scholars . The Air Charter Safety Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization. These safety enhancements are recommendations to be voluntarily adopted by the FAA and industry. 199 Following. These concepts come together in the movement of safety data sharing.. As we wrap up 2022, we want to thank you for being part of our community and recognize our Advisory Council and sponsors for their ongoing commitment beyond words. Together Chicago's airports generate more than $45 billion in annual economic activity and create 540,000 jobs for the region. The 2023 NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE) will return to Las Vegas, NV from October 17-19. Next generation of ASIAS architecture A March 2020 FAA report to the U.S. Congress said that ASIAS 2.0 architecture is now in advanced planning stages, with initial operational capabilities to follow starting in calendar year 2021, after deployment of the system. EBACE2026 will bring together business leaders, government officials, manufacturers, flight department personnel, avionics firms, fractional providers, charter/lease companies and all manner of people involved in nearly every aspect of business aviation. We will not discuss or share information about InfoShare using social media outside our organizations. Just a small fraction of my 2022 transactions in just 8 months 2023 investors we're READY FOR YOU!!! Held annually since 1947, the International Air Safety Summit (IASS) is aviations premier safety event, drawing as many as 400 representatives from over 50 countries to exchange information and propose new directions for further risk reductions and make the safest mode of transportation even safer. .st0{fill:#1b95e0} Aviation Safety InfoShare is a semiannual confidential industry-sponsored meeting attended by government and industry safety professionals who share their safety concerns and best practices in a protected environment. Today, membership includes more than 1,000 organizations and individuals in 150 countries. The ASIAS system enables users to perform integrated queries across multiple databases, search an extensive warehouse of safety data, and display pertinent elements in an array of useful formats. For operators of aircraft that do not have an installed flight data recorder, there are additional ways that you can analyze and share FOQA-like data with ASIAS. . I'm Billy Nolen, the new Acting Administrator of the FAA. These safety enhancements are direct results of ASIAS data collection and analysis. Thursday. The conference brings together regulators, aerospace industry representatives, and other stakeholders from around the world to share aviation safety information, address current areas of mutual concern, and identify future collaborative opportunities with the global community. In February 2019, the U.S. Congress requested that the FAA accelerate the ASIAS capabilities, including fusion, next generation of ASIAS architecture, and expanding general aviation safety elements, and summarize the latest initiatives in a status report. Even if you have a fleet of 20 aircraft and dozens of pilots and maintenance technicians, your data will be limited. With its substantial speeches delivered by top-notch experts paired with an impressive Expo, Startup Contest, and numerous networking opportunities, it gathers thousands of participants each year. Surround yourself with like-minded business aviation professionals looking to further cultivate their leadership skills at the 2024 Leadership Conference. Stay up-to-date on the latest operational information critical to your job and connect with over 900 fellow peers. The 2023 NBAA Maintenance Conference provides vital education and networking opportunities for anyone involved in business aircraft maintenance from technicians to directors of maintenance. It is designed to improve the National Airspace System by collecting and studying reports detailing unsafe conditions and events in the aviation industry. Similarly, narrative safety reports, including ASAP reports and safety reports from non-ASAP participants, are submitted to and analyzed by organizations like the Air Charter Safety Foundation, WBAT for Aviation Safety, Baldwin Aviation and ARGUS Prism, which then interface with the ASIAS system, if a participating operator elects to share data in that way. ASIAS participants trust us to take in their data, secure it and produce results. First, many enjoy contributing to the greater good offering their experience to improve the overall safety of the industry. Aviation Safety Network. Safety in the Air Begins with Quality Maintenance on the Ground. 2022 Webcasts. Aviation Safety InfoShare is a semi-annual (Spring and Fall) conference where safety concerns and best practices are shared in a protected environment. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) are joining forces to advance aviation safety through global leadership at the 2022 International Aviation Safety Conference in Washington, D.C., June 14-16, 2022. At their beginning, the ASIAS Issue Analysis Team FAA employees, contractors and specialists seconded by the aviation industry typically applied text-mining tools and data-mining tools to manually or automatically discover risk trends, atypical events, exceedances and aberrations within their expanding networks of databases. This year, we are back to a full-size event where we will bring many facets of our industry together. A growing number of NBAA members are participating in the Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS) program. Participants include government agencies, labor groups . Sharing that data with other operators through programs like ASIAS is the next step.. This methodology typically fuses multiple data streams. Why? Training the Next Generation of Maintenance Professionals. ASIAS participants also hope information produced by the program will influence how Part 91 and 135 pilot training is delivered and maybe even drive regulatory changes regarding training. 2013-2017 Update to Drug Use Trends in Aviation. This most recent Fall Conference hosted over 1500 participants and there is a strong interest in the next one set for March 2023. Today, membership includes more than 1,000 organizations and individuals . International Conference on Aviation Systems, Operations and Management (ICASOM), International Conference on Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ICATIO), International Conference on Aviation Engineering and Technology (ICAET), International Conference on Composite Materials and Aviation Composites (ICCMAC), International Conference on Air Traffic and Aviation Management (ICATAM), International Conference on Composites Aerospace and Aviation (ICCAA), International Conference on Aviation Performance and Management (ICAPM), International Conference on Aviation Logistics and Management (ICALM), International Conference on Aviation Engineering, Technology and Management (ICAETM), International Conference on Aviation Logistics and Operations Management (ICALOM), International Conference on Civil Aviation and Management (ICCAM), International Conference on Data Science for Aviation (ICDSA), International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology (ICASAT), International Conference on Aviation Logistics and Supply Chain Management (ICALSCM), International Conference on Aviation, Transport and Environment (ICATE), International Conference on Nondestructive Testing of Materials in Aviation (ICNTMA), International Conference on Marine, Aviation, Transport, Logistics and Trade (ICMATLT), International Conference on Aviation Logistics and Transportation (ICALT), International Conference on Aviation Management and Safety (ICAMS), International Conference on Advanced Aviation Composites (ICAAC), International Conference on Advanced Aviation Composites and Technology (ICAACT), International Conference on Advanced Aviation Composites and Advanced Composite Manufacturing (ICAACACM), International Conference on Aviation Management and Operations (ICAMO), International Conference on Aerospace and Aviation Engineering (ICAAE), International Conference on Aviation Management and Administration (ICAMA), International Conference on Aviation Flight Technology (ICAFT), International Conference on Aviation Management and Services (ICAMS), International Conference on Aviation Administration and Management (ICAAM), International Conference on Aviation Management and Flight (ICAMF), International Conference on Aviation Management and Flight Operations (ICAMFO), International Conference on Aviation Composites and Composite Manufacturing (ICACCM), International Conference on Aircraft Design and Advanced Aviation Engineering (ICADAAE), International Conference on Aviation and Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (ICAAME), International Conference on Aviation Maintenance Engineering and Technology (ICAMET), International Conference on Advanced Aviation Composites and Composite Manufacturing (ICAACCM), International Conference on Aviation Meteorology and Weather Forecasting (ICAMWF), International Conference on Data Science in Aviation (ICDSA), International Conference on Aviation Meteorology and Weather (ICAMW), International Conference on Aviation Meteorology and Principles (ICAMP), International Conference on Aviation, Composites and Technology (ICACT), International Conference on Aviation Meteorology, Modeling and Operations (ICAMMO), International Conference on Air Traffic Management and Aviation (ICATMA), International Conference on Aviation and Aerospace System Engineering (ICAASE), International Conference on Sustainability in Aviation (ICSA), International Conference on Aviation Security (ICAS), International Conference on Turbomachinery and Fluid Mechanics (ICTFM), International Conference on Aviation Maintenance, Safety and Security (ICAMSS), International Conference on Airspace Management and Aviation Administration (ICAMAA), International Conference on Aviation Composites and Advanced Composite Manufacturing (ICACACM), International Conference on Aviation, Air Traffic Controlling and Management (ICAATCM), International Conference on Engineering, Aviation and Technology (ICEAT), International Conference on Aviation and Air Transportation (ICAAT), International Conference on Flight Test and Aviation Engineering (ICFTAE), International Conference on Aviation Composites and Composite Materials (ICACCM), International Conference on Advanced Composites in Aviation (ICACA), International Conference on Aviation Management (ICAM), International Conference on Aviation and Air Traffic Management (ICAATM), International Conference on Civil Aviation Airport Planning, Operations and Management (ICCAAPOM), International Conference on Aviation Composites, Maintenance and Equipment (ICACME), International Conference on Aviation, Transport and Logistics (ICATL), International Conference on Civil Aviation Performance and Management (ICCAPM), International Conference on Turbomachinery and Fluid Dynamics (ICTFD), International Conference on Aviation, Transport and Management (ICATM), International Conference on Aviation Engineering and Maintenance (ICAEM), International Conference on Civil Aviation, Safety and Security (ICCASS), International Conference on Science in Aviation Maintenance (ICSAM), International Conference on Aviation Maintenance and Aircraft Structural Technology (ICAMAST), International Conference on Turbomachinery (ICT), International Conference on Air Transportation and Civil Aviation (ICATCA), International Conference on Advanced Aviation and Aerospace System Engineering (ICAAASE), International Conference on Advanced Aircraft Design and Aviation Engineering (ICAADAE), International Conference on Civil Aviation (ICCA), International Conference on Civil Aviation and Traffic Management (ICCATM), International Conference on Sustainable Aviation and Aerospace Engineering (ICSAAE), International Conference on Sustainable Aviation and Aerospace Technologies (ICSAAT), International Conference on Sustainable Aviation and Green Aircraft (ICSAGA), International Conference on Aviation Security and Research (ICASR), International Conference on Aviation Security Systems (ICASS), International Conference on Aviation Security and Security Mechanisms (ICASSM), International Conference on Aviation Security and Terrorism (ICAST), International Conference on Aviation Security and Emergency Management (ICASEM), International Conference on Aviation Sustainability (ICAS), International Conference on Aviation and Turbulence (ICAT), International Conference on Aviation Maintenance Technology and Engineering (ICAMTE), International Conference on Aircraft Structures and Aviation Technology (ICASAT), International Conference on Airport Engineering and Aviation System Planning (ICAEASP), International Conference on Civil Aviation Management (ICCAM), International Conference on Aviation and Space Technologies (ICAST), International Conference on Aviation Composites and Technology (ICACT), International Conference on Sustainability of Aviation (ICSA), International Conference on Flight Safety and Aviation Security (ICFSAS), International Conference on Airport Engineering and Aviation Systems (ICAEAS), International Conference on Civil Aviation and Research (ICCAR), International Conference on Aviation Administration (ICAA), International Conference on Airplane Structures and Aviation Composites (ICASAC), International Conference on Science in Aviation Maintenance Technology (ICSAMT), International Conference on Advances in Sustainable Aviation (ICASA), International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachinery (ICFMT), International Conference on Software Challenges in Aviation Systems (ICSCAS), International Conference on Aviation Safety and Security Systems (ICASSS), International Conference on Aviation Safety and Risk Control (ICASRC), International Conference on Aviation Maintenance Technology (ICAMT), International Conference on Aviation Composites (ICAC), International Conference on Airport and Aviation Security (ICAAS), International Conference on Aviation Safety and Security (ICASS), International Conference on Aviation Science and Management (ICASM), International Conference on Aviation and Space Technology (ICAST), International Conference on Aviation Safety and Aviation Security (ICASAS), International Conference on Aviation Engineering and Applications (ICAEA), International Conference on Aviation Maintenance Systems and Technology (ICAMST), International Conference on Civil and Recreational Aviation (ICCRA), International Conference on Sustainable Aviation (ICSA), International Conference on Aviation Maintenance and Manufacturing (ICAMM), International Conference on Aviation Safety (ICAS), International Conference on Aviation Maintenance Technology and Systems (ICAMTS), International Conference on Aviation Maintenance (ICAM), International Conference on Civil Aviation Management and Flight Operations (ICCAMFO), International Conference on Civil Aviation and Air Traffic Management (ICCAATM), International Conference on Civil Aviation and Big Data (ICCABD), International Conference on Aviation Meteorology, Observations, Modeling and Operations (ICAMOMO), International Conference on Civil Aviation Management and Operations (ICCAMO), International Conference on Civil Aviation Management and Aircraft Technology (ICCAMAT), International Conference on Aviation and Sustainability (ICAS), International Conference on Aviation Nondestructive Testing (ICANT), International Conference on Aviation Law and Policy (ICALP), International Conference on Hybrid-Electric Propulsion for Aviation Applications (ICHEPAA), International Conference on Aviation Law and Regulations (ICALR), International Conference on Aviation Regulatory Law and Policy (ICARLP), International Conference on Civil Aviation Law and Regulations (ICCALR), International Conference on Transportation, Aviation and Logistics (ICTAL), International Conference on Civil Aviation Law (ICCAL), International Conference on Aviation Law, Regulations and Policy (ICALRP), CAPA Latin America Aviation & LCCs Summit, International Conference on Aviation Maintenance Engineering (ICAME), International Conference on Aviation Engineering and Management (ICAEM), International Conference on Aircraft Design and Aviation Engineering (ICADAE), International Conference on Aviation Composites and Airplane Structures (ICACAS), International Conference on Composites in Aviation (ICCA), International Conference on Aviation Operations, Maintenance and Management (ICAOMM), International Conference on Aviation Operations and Technology (ICAOT), International Conference on Aviation Security and Control (ICASC), International Conference on Air Transportation and Aviation (ICATA), International Conference on Aviation Operations and Management (ICAOM), International Conference on Aviation Operations (ICAO), International Conference on Big Data and Civil Aviation (ICBDCA), CAPA Asia Aviation Summit & Sustainability Awards 2023, International Conference on Aviation Meteorology (ICAM), International Conference on Aviation Maintenance Management (ICAMM), Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Initiated lobbying efforts to secure full FY 2022 funding for Sec. Trending at Convergint. Aviation Conferences 2023/2024/2025 will bring speakers from Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia. A directed study of terrain awareness and warning system (TAWS) alerts; A directed study of traffic-alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS II) resolution advisories (RAs); The capability to compare airline-level TAWS alerts and TCAS RAs with experiences of all other participants called benchmarking and the capability to benchmark specific-airline experience against aggregate experience; and. ASIAS is an FAA-funded, joint government/industry collaborative effort facilitated by The MITRE Corporation, which is a not-for-profit organization that operates federally funded research and development centers for the federal government. AMT Years to Top Step of Scale for Carriers in the Industry. My interview regarding two recent novellas . ASIAS helicopter metrics address loss of controlin flight, unstable approaches and other issues related to fatal accidents. By sharing information, resources and tools, we help enable the business, charter and fractional ownership industry to offer the safest aviation operations in the world. 16-JUL-2022: Fokker 50: 5Y-JSN: Icon Aviation: 0: Rubkona Airport : A2: 18-JUL-2022: Fokker 50: 5Y-JXN: Jubba Airways: 0: Mogadishu Aden A. A1: 21-JUL-2022: Cessna 680 Citation . The Aircraft Maintenance Technician: Skilled or Unskilled? Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS), Human Error in Aviation and Legal Process, Stabilised Approach Awareness Toolkit for ATC, Flight Deck Procedures (A Guide for Controllers), General Aviation Joint Steering Committee (GAJSC), Federal Aviation Administration Report to Congress: Report on the Status of Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS) Capability Acceleration, Fact Sheet Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing Program, Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS) Architecture and Advanced Analytic Capabilities Support, Safety Data Collection and Processing Systems (SDCPS). Sign in with your PurpleID account to access . Learn more about the National Business Aviation Association. In addition, ASIAS participants are invited to a semi-annual Aviation Safety InfoShare, an event that facilitates sharing of safety concerns and best practices in a closed environment. Raymond hopes to see information produced from ASIAS data collection and analysis used to work with the FAA and air traffic controllers, in particular to address specific safety concerns with certain airspace and issues with arrival or departure procedures. 2022 Seminar Documents. Following. The most prominent databases used come from the Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP); Airport Surface Detection EquipmentModel X (ASDEX); Airspace Performance Metrics (ASPM); Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS); Air Traffic Safety Action Program (ATSAP); Flight Operational Quality Assurance (FOQA); Meteorological Aviation Report (METAR); Mandatory Occurrence Reports (MOR); National Flight Data Center (NFDC); Near Mid-Air Collisions (NMAC); National Offload Program aircraft-track data (NOP); Service Difficulty Reports (SDR); and, the Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS). The new architecture will replace the legacy system of non-integrated silos of information, FAA said. . ICAETM 2023: Aviation Engineering, Technology and Management Conference, Prague (Mar 20-21, 2023) ICAM 2023: Aerospace Medicine Conference, Doha (Mar 20-21, 2023) ICFTA 2023: Flight Testing and Analysis Conference, Istanbul (Mar 20-21, 2023) ICGNSSEA 2023: Global Navigation Satellite Systems and Emerging Applications Conference, Istanbul (Mar . Each participant in ASIAS signs a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that, in effect, enables exchanges of de-identified safety data, limits disclosure of proprietary information, and offers exclusive access to unique ASIAS products. Originally conceived in 1996, the program . Here in the picturesque Seattle at the Aviation Safety InfoShare with more than 1000 participants, announced InfoShare winning . Our companies must support that practice, but it starts with our AMFA front-line professionals. Participants include government agencies, labor groups (aviation maintenance, dispatch, cabin, ground operations, air, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Bret Oestreich, National President Phone: (720) 7446628 Email: CENTENNIAL, Colo. November 21, 2022 The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) continues to expand its footprint in Canada as Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AMEs) of WestJet are seeking union representation. Infoshare Conference. Stay informed on COVID-19 updates from EASA, 2022 FAA-EASA International Aviation Safety Conference, Uniting Efforts to Overcome Aviation Safety Challenges, European Union Aviation Safety Agency 2023, Design certificates and design organisation approvals, Aircraft maintenance and continuing airworthiness, Training and licensing of maintenance personnel, Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA), Operational Suitability Data (OSD) for flight crew (FC), Performance-based Navigation applicability, Flight Simulation Training Devices (FSTD), Airspace Usage Requirement (ACAS II v7.1), Provisions applicable to both open and specific category, Drones with class identification label C0-C6, Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Alternative Means of Compliance (AltMoC), Alternative Method of Compliance (AMOC) to an Airworthiness Directive (AD), Certification Support for Validation (CSV), Certification of products and organisations, Information Sharing Platform on Conflict Zones, Conflict Zone Information Bulletin (CZIBs), Non-commercial operations with complex motor-powered aircraft (NCC), ATM/ANS & ATCO Training Organisation Approvals, Alternative Procedures to Design Organisation Approval (ADOA), Aircraft type ratings for Part-66 aircraft maintenance licence, EASA Part-145 Organisations located in Brazil, EASA Part-145 Organisations located in Canada, EASA Part-145 Organisations located in the USA, International Maintenance Review Board Policy Board (IMRBPB), Manufacturer Scheduled Maintenance Requirements, Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA), Operations in the specific category in a state different from the one of registration, Part-21 Light - Making Design & Manufacturing Easier, The new CS-23 smart and flexible rules that support innovation, Simpler and lighter rules for Balloons and Sailplanes, Simpler and lighter rules for GA pilot training, Simpler and lighter rules for GA maintenance, Loss of Control (LOC-I) in Approach and Landing, Aircraft Noise Certificate or Equivalent Noise Documentation (ANC) Data, Regional Safety Oversight Organisations (RSOOs), Accident and incident investigation support, Aviation Safety Reporting for Organisations, Aviation Safety Reporting for Individuals, European Authorities Coordination Group on Flight Data Monitoring (EAFDM), European Operators Flight Data Monitoring (EOFDM), European Safety Promotion Network Rotorcraft (ESPN-R), ATM/ANS provision of services - Air Traffic Management/Air Navigation Services, ATM/ANS interoperability - Air Traffic Management/Air Navigation Services, AUR - Airspace Usage Requirements (ACAS II), SERA - Standardised European Rules of the Air, Terms of Reference (ToR) and Group Composition (GC), Terms of Reference and Group Compositions information, Notices of Proposed Amendment information, Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM), Information on Alternative Means of Compliance (AltMoC), Type Certificate Data Sheets for Noise (TCDSN), Specific Airworthiness Specifications (SAS), Information on the transition of MMEL/OEB Reports to OSD, Supplemental Type Certificate MMEL Supplements, Operational Evaluation Guidance Material (OE GM) / Operational Evaluation Reports (OEB) / Operational Suitability Data (OSD), TypeRatings and Licence endorsement lists, Technical publications - Easy Access Rules, 2022 FAA-EASA International Aviation Safety Conference agenda, AD - Airworthiness Directives - Safety publications tool, European Information Sharing and Cooperation Platform on Conflict Zones, FSTDIS - Flight Simulation Training Devices Information System.
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