dwight schrute mussolini speech transcript
dwight schrute mussolini speech transcript

guys hated our corner. That's fine. Did you have a TiVo? WE ARE WARRIORS! "Dwight's Speech" is the seventeenth episode of the second season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's twenty-third episode overall. Normally they do pranks together. JENNA [00:39:01] For couples, single women and invited single men. The grim reaper is here. And Michael's like and really, really just brings the room totally down but really earnest and Michael's like, "Oh, OK. All right. The crew had exclusive use of a ballroom for the speech, but had to share the other parts of the hotel with guests. This is also when Oscar tells Jim that his time in Key West might be available. The lie is that the Axis powers, after they finish Great Britain, want to attack America. ANGELA [00:14:10] Did you just say "chunk it"? Season: 2 Episode: 17 - Dwight's Speech Michael coaches pompous Dwight on the finer art of public speaking after being named as Salesman of the Year. When Michael and Dwight make it to the convention, Dwight gets cold feet and Michael goes up and tries to relive his glory days of winning Salesman of the Year two years in a row, but ends up embarrassing himself on the stage. Jim The great speakers thoughout history were not joke tellers, they were people of passion. You know, her wedding color is lavender, by the way. JENNA [00:02:14] I mean, for our listeners who might not know that you're wearing a puffy coat as we record this podcast. Not a funny episode as much as a clever one. Im more productive. In other words, I'm quitting." He basically wants to be one of the "Lord of the Rings". Blackshirts of Rome! Then again, I would have taken a poor episode just to end the drought caused by the Olympics. JENNA [00:29:45] Orange invitations, Pam's mom. Dwight later reveals that he will be going to New Zealand to "walk the Lord of the Rings trail to Mordor and I will hike Mount Doom. Ive SO been there. And then I will hike Mount Doom. Creed". So he's in charge of all those numbers and things. Thanks so much for tuning in. JENNA [00:05:45] And so the wranglers really moved them around a lot. Consecutive. Okay, so yeah not my favorite episode, but still worth the wait. Kelly: Is Brad okay? Some of the smartest writing. Can you believe that? ", "It is blood which moves the wheels of history! ANGELA [00:16:42] Mmhmm. ANGELA [00:12:11] I don't. From Nov. 7 to when English torpedo planes, which took off not from Greek bases but from an aircraft carrier, succeeded with their coup at Taranto, which we admitted, we met adversity in the war. ANGELA [01:03:57] I mean, I just, it just gutted me. Michael hurls the football all the way to accounting, whereKevincatches it and tosses it back. And then Michael gives Dwight some advice. Did you see that her name is still listed as Gould? You were you there for when Steve was doing his portion at all, Angela? We have at present under arms more than 2,000,000 men, but within the year we will, if necessary, reach, 4,000,000. Michael ends up leaving the convention room and later entertains Dwight with his tales at the bar. Could we Fascisti leave without answer that cry and remain indifferent in the face of the perpetuation of the bloody crimes of the so-called popular fronts? JENNA [00:19:58] You had to hook it into your cable box. I wrote that in my diary. Dwight announces that there has been a major car accident on the interstate. He also brought it up in a deleted scene from "The Client" where he says his worst first date took place at Cugino's Pizza. And this is when he tells us he bought his ticket for June 8th. :], Ryan was being mean to Kelly to prove a point to Pam about Jim. The scene made me laugh so hard. Shes showing no sympathy in inviting Jim. ANGELA [00:29:29] That's so cute. Kevin: Ive never ever seen you take a sick day. JENNA [00:11:42] She defeated Jillian Barberie and her partner to win the show's first and only championship. I didn't pick it. I was under that. And he's really nervous. yeah, i dont know, i didnt think it was a great episode, some parts, but not the great overall episodes like i felt the ones before the break were. And for whatever reason, where I sat on the phones is where all the air went. People might think Ryan was the jerk of that scene, but it was definitely Pam. JENNA [00:35:40] Insane. JENNA [00:32:20] Six-. "Dwight's Speech" is the seventeenth episode of the second season of The Office and the 23rd overall. OFFICE LADIES | EPISODE 23 - DWIGHTS SPEECH. "Dwight's Speech" was directed by Charles McDougall, making it his second directing credit after the earlier second season episode "Christmas Party". Dwight: Question. The Fifth Air Squadron was literally sacrificed, almost entirely. I was like, "Yeah. ANGELA [00:45:51] . ANGELA [00:33:20] I love Dwight goes, "But I'm right". ANGELA [00:13:14] Cause I usually bowl like a 10 pound ball. I wonder if its just because Ive been going through withdrawal, but this was one of my favourite episodes. When Pam tries to tell Ryan how Kelly feels about him, he coldly says, "I know what I said.". It was definitely a good one. JENNA [00:58:39] "At 20 minutes and 25 seconds when Michael and Dwight are sitting at the bar, you can see a man in the background dressed like a wizard. OK. ANGELA [00:59:51] And they go up to the very first one they see and they walk in and it's the wrong one. JENNA [00:22:25] How did he memorize that? I'm cringing. Rome, Italy, February 23, 1941. This must have been improvised because Kent told me that their location agreement with the Sheraton allowed them to shoot basically anywhere on the property. I can teach you enough so you don't embarrass yourself during the speech. And he used it during his stint as manager for that week at Dunder Mifflin. JENNA [01:02:25] Well, when the finale happened, a bunch of us went to Scranton for a big parade. endobj All right. JENNA [00:08:44] And I was suddenly had to work. Before he leaves, Jim Halpert (John Krasinski), in retaliation for Dwight's cocky attitude, gives him tips on how to give public speeches. But he said he hasn't used it since. And here is something that's very interesting. Jim eats the same ham and cheese sandwich every day for lunch. JENNA [00:27:19] Rainn improvised that part of it, where, that the word was "failure". That's more than a turkey. I loved Dwight in this episode. JENNA [00:38:16] No, for health reasons, you must wear a cover up in the lobby and around food. And by walking in this area, you give permission to be on the TV show. ANGELA [00:02:22] I have a T-shirt on, a sweatshirt with a hoodie and then I have an enormous puffer over that. However, at 14 minutes, 19 seconds, there is a shot of the audience. JENNA [00:49:58] So they call Dwight's name and he-. [15] The episode was viewed by 8.4 million viewers, and retained 88 percent of its lead-in My Name Is Earl audience. Kugino's Pizza. So Leslie went flying and collided into me and then rolled backwards on top of me. JENNA [00:03:58] Yes. This proof begins with the dogmatic premise that although anything may happen Italy will march with Germany, side by side, to the end. ANGELA [00:25:16] Well, they stopped making plaques. Dwight's speech, which was possibly written entirely by Jim as a prank, is derivative of speeches given by historical dictators. Stanley is not present in the remainder of the scene. So Ryans I know what I said, was directed at the Honorable Pamera., If thats the case, Ryans remark wasnt alllll that mean. On land and sea and in the air it is the final battle that counts. Since we recognize these facts it is useless for the enemy to exaggerate the figures of its booty. They're supportive of one another. OK. Where are we at? KtT8H@gvmRYPPR]iDkx;!7 Kent told me that on the first take the background went absolutely wild. But remember, while today it is me, we all shall fall. As long as people care about what you're saying. The speech, oh my gawd the speech! I took Ryans response to Pam at face value; simply, that he was annoyed at Kelly and wanted to shut her down. JENNA [00:52:45] Like hooting and hollering. We must never acquiesce. ANGELA [00:13:01] Every time I walk up and I just try to line up with that little center triangle. gQij70wR Dwight practices his speech, and Michael criticizes his delivery. JENNA [00:34:14] So excited. A little bit. I totally missed it until someone mentioned it over at the Northern Attack forums! We have been at war six years, precisely from Feb. 1, 1935, when the first communiqu announcing the mobilization of Peloritana was issued. ANGELA [00:41:46] This doesn't happen very often and Jenna, I did one of our little dorky actory things where I gave myself a backstory. "Did we hire a bunch of extras or did we just use existing hotel people"? So now Dwight and Michael are sort of having this great moment at the bar. Yes, it is. But in that moment, I had 'em. And she leaves the room. ANGELA [01:02:54] Creed goes over there and adjusts the thermostat. ANGELA [00:18:21] I don't know, Jenna, how it went down. They'll conjure up images of used car dealers, and door to door charlatans. JENNA [00:39:33] So don't don't let it stress you out. Let it be said in particular that the Alpini wrote pages of blood and glory that would honor any army. ANGELA [00:20:00] These were the days where like, if you had a VHS player, you could record one of your shows. But what we were talking about would be absolutely ridiculous. He said a doctor came and said, you cannot go to work. "[4], The speech scene employed over 500 extras, which was unusual for The Office, and was hectic for the crew to organize. Here's a summary. Dwight: What if I give a really long extended thank you? ANGELA [00:49:16] We're watching the music video. But then Ryan says, I don't think Jim will ever really take a trip. I don't know what that is. Jim is irritated, which fuels Dwight and Michael. I've had some really dark thoughts", and she goes "Down this road". I found the fact that Jim was setting him up to be much more funny than the speach itself. I mean, I'm not I'm sort of a major celebrity, but. All right. About Us | Copyright Inquiry | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. Seventh, when Great Britain falls, then the war will be ended, even if by any chance it should die out slowly in other countries of the British Empire. I mean-. Michael: The difference between a salesman and a saleswoman is boobs. Ryan talking about the monotony of Jims life I'm, I'm in a relationship. Tenth, to beat the Axis, Great Britains armies would have to land on the Continent, invade Germany and Italy and defeat their armies, and this no Englishman, no matter how insane and delirious by the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol, can even dream of. "Jenna, the hotel has been canceled. Not only the years we've been at war, the war of work, but from the moment as a child, when we realize the world could be conquered. JENNA [00:29:56] I mean, crazy. Ryan: Jim has worked at the same place for five years. I heard his voice in the conference room. Kevin: Its like Club Med, but everything is naked. The opening football scene was funny, the middle segment was pretty flat and unfunny (How many times is Michael going to call everyone into an impromptu meeting in conference room? Well, now you can compare airline prices online. "Take Your Daughter to Work Day", I think. ANGELA [00:14:12] Oh, shut up. He did not fall in any of the rehearsals. I want you guys to try to say this 10 times fast. Dwight Kurt Schrute III (born January 20, 1970) is a fictional character on The Office who is portrayed by Rainn Wilson. Thank you for listening to "Office Ladies". Keep the great shows coming!! It's not just a joke relationship. Season 2. Creeds Chinese hello translates in mandarin to Hello to my Chinese friends. The only problem is that they dont speak mandarin in Hong Kong. SAM [00:43:59] Mordor is where Sauron is. That's the most competent Meredith has ever sounded. The Greek losses are very high and shortly it will be Spring, and as befits such a season our season-beautiful things will grow. He tosses it to Phyllis. JENNA [00:52:20] And we had a few fan questions. Michael suggests that Pam practice for her bride's speech. We cranked it back up. ", "No revolution is worth anything unless it can defend itself! Damn, I missed the Mussolini lines - I saw the obvious line from the communist manifesto and recognized some of the Soviet leader lines and Benito flew right over my head, Dwight's Speech: BLOOD ALONE MOVES THE WHEELS OF HISTORY! ANGELA [00:44:57] I mean there's like lava fields and all this kind of craziness and then hike Mt. In an excerpted chapter from 'Conference Room, Five Minutes,' Shea Serrano's new digital collection of . War beyond the sea and in the desert. No, that's Kent Zbornak's book. I thought it was a solid episode but not one of the best. 2019-2022 OFFICE LADIES | PODCAST IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY EARWOLF. ANGELA [00:14:40] We have a cold open, Michael and Dwight are throwing a football while they discuss some dilemma at corporate, it's not important. ANGELA [00:50:02] He chokes. So they go back into the conversation and Dwight's like, oh, my God, that's amazing. ANGELA [00:37:28] I did not Google that. ANGELA [00:07:55] That's what I remember you. And it was-. JENNA [00:33:45] It's it's legendary. ANGELA [00:50:44] Huh. ANGELA [01:04:34] They've crossed this line. But I didn't know. Michael will use the same conclusion when he loses a sale to Danny Cordray and convinces him to work for him in ", Dwight comes to work wearing sunglasses and tries to get Jim to complete the sentence, "My future is so bright". How do I get people there. So, I mean, Dwight kind of starts panicking. For it is together, together that we prevail! ANGELA [00:12:00] Cancelled. JENNA [01:03:51] I'm going to go halfway around the world. I love that little touch that she's gone to record her fella's speech. JENNA [00:43:31] You knew what all that stuff meant? I'm gonna help you out. ANGELA [00:32:02] Different day. And I really thought that that part of my life was over for me, that that wasn't going to happen. I think Ryan's right. This is one of the first in a while. Michael: Insult. JENNA [00:50:13] He really does. Even though Oscar is the one who set the thermostat to a colder temperature, he wears his jacket when Dwight and Michael are leaving. ANGELA [00:45:44] 11 minutes, 3 seconds, Jim does a prank on Dwight. So he's got this talking head now where he explains that he won "Salesman of the Year" twice before, consecutively. Salesmen of Northeastern Pennsylvania I ask you; once more rise and be worthy of this historical hour! But in the conference room, Dwight is going to now do his speech for us. That's not even revealed in this episode. Kristy Swanson won. JENNA [00:46:55] Now, I think there are some other famous dictators quotes peppered in there as well. No, I was always cold. Some of my favorite moments from this show are the pranks that Jim pulls on Dwight and the stupid stuff he gets him to do. We had 400 extras. Kelly Kapoor (Mindy Kaling) then states that it "is karma because of what he did to Jennifer Aniston. In one of Jims talking head segments, he shows a printed page of a speech given by Benito Mussolini. JENNA [00:58:31] Madeline wrote and said, "I have been waiting for this episode to ask this question". Luke Maslow and Scoot Venon-Meyer both asked, "How much of Michael's speech was improvised"? SAM [00:12:42] You don't have to look to me for every-. Great Britain cannot win the war. In a talking-head interview, Michael explains that the fact that Ryan (as a temporary employee) can leave at any time scares him. ANGELA [00:22:10] "It is literally the highest possible honor that a northeastern Pennsylvania based mid-size paper company regional salesman can attain". Ping I just want to heat up some soup. Send me a postcard". What's the difference between a salesman and a saleswoman? There is a great deleted scene. % This would bring about a change not only in the European political map, but also in the worlds map. Two of the three great ships damaged at Taranto are already in the way of complete repair. ANGELA [00:31:37] I'm still tan. But in Canada, they both aired on the same network, this global television network. JENNA [00:49:47] All of a sudden. JENNA [01:03:24] Her wedding is June 10th. However, during the first four months of the war we were able to inflict grave naval, air and land blows to the forces of the British Empire. Congratulations to Amber, Jaclyn, and Ping for winning OfficeTally.coms iTunes Drawing this week! ", This page was last edited on 18 December 2022, at 22:41. And what is playing as they walk through? ANGELA [00:32:34] We're always in suits and the lights do like warm up the stage but they cranked the air down so the guys wouldn't get sweaty in their suits. -Pam responds, Yeah, hes one of my closest friends.. Michael Sciannamea of TV Squad wrote that he wonders if the Jim-Pam relationship "will reach some sort of resolution or become a season-ending cliffhanger". Look, I'll get real, I'm going to NPR it now. JENNA [00:39:06] It's open from 10:30 p.m. to 3 a.m. ANGELA [00:39:09] Mmhmm, you go wrestle with your friends. It was an act of conscious daring. JENNA [00:38:50] We're gonna give you ten minutes to take off your stuff. And Michael is like, "Oh, yes. ANGELA [00:55:50] He kills it. I didn't even buy it for myself. [15] An encore presentation of the episode on August 15 received a 1.9 rating/6 percent share and was viewed by over 4.6 million viewers and retained 100 percent of its lead-in audience. Jim: I was thinking more like Europe, or something like that, but good second choice. There was one moment in February of 2004 that TiVo had the most watch, recorded and replayed moment in TiVo history. JENNA [00:49:28] In Scranton, Pennsylvania. And then also why is he chosen to chill a plaque? Thats not a toast, youre not standing up. ANGELA [00:38:44] And then they're like-. Dwight, the company's top salesman of the year, worries over a speech he must give at a ceremony honoring him. Dwight: Saleswoman has a vagina. I believe he did improvise quite a bit. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! {jJe?2\'&G83am`dC:x#m0b|#1wX/O'#[RG}$#N7y8s,hwx@8ff!!bm%RNSSoxbh {@~PF| cq58yLQ;=>=4#lopX\% o?Rem)f7|>,W4:kZ`n4V[_.u#3yY5i>WtX2Ih9*KyUOu5`c1-4&fWV[1q&jsk6#^2t%$^^\Kz|lE+|#XR[`K#ch'LcFW V*rFi[i! Then Jim goes on to sabotage Dwight. Fifth, the morale of the Axis people is infinitely superior to the morale of the British people. Oscar says that he purposely gets to work early to set the thermostat at 66 degrees. It's a safe, Angela. The paper in front of him does have a copy of the speech, because Wilson believed that's what Dwight would have done. They do serve pizza, but I could not find a website for them or an online menu. Angela: The very best of luck to you, Dwight. Like, he's kind of got this side smile. Dwight once described himself as "hard-working, alpha male, jackhammer, merciless, insatiable," but to us, he will always be one of the funniest, and yes, eccentric characters to have ever graced . Dwight: They are either going to say yes. The song that is playing when Michael and Dwight enter the convention is Get Ready For This by 2 Unlimited. Was it planned? They're all like, what? Unless, of course, we find a good joke in his vacation. So everyone in Canada got to see this one day early. Sometimes they would have us do that. ANGELA [00:44:46] So that, but I do know that the trail to Mordor. Please, you guys, if you have a chance. JENNA [00:10:33] It aired a day early. This is met with applause from the other staff, but this troubles Michael. Angela, I got like, what is that? Jim: Dwight was the top salesman of the year at our company. ANGELA [00:25:31] You know you did. At the end of Michael's story, the alien has been replaced by a man wearing a wizard hat. JENNA [00:01:25] Yeah. Neither in Rome nor Berlin are such fantastic plans as this prepared. JENNA [00:07:05] Fast Fact Number Two: Rainn Wilson was very sick for this episode. JENNA [00:45:22] Or because they want to get the ring to him so he turns into a regular person again? They had it all scheduled. Have you ever asked yourselves in an hour of meditation, which every one finds during the day, how long we . Pam: Australia? ANGELA [00:38:54] No, I actually figured you had something else coming. And Dunderpedia pointed out that this was the motto of a downtown Scranton revitalization project. Miracles! sothis episode was worth waiting through the Olympic coverage!

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