ffxi drk gear guide 2019
ffxi drk gear guide 2019

Guides are written by players, based upon their experiences, successes and mistakes, and are meant to aid other players. release. Youre going to be sitting there, among 15-20 other damage-dealers, seeking with no luck. Dread Spikes is 100% based on your total HP so macroing in a ton of HP is the play. Triton's/Orichalcum Scythe - This is the staple Scythe for all Dark Knights on Eden. Dark Knight Guide 2022 Dream Ms Guide is not entirely linear in progression, some parts of the lower sections will supplement knowledge of the earlier sections i.e APQ from the Money Making Section will supplement levelling via apple roar from 108-174. Torcleaver is a one-hit attack, with a 60% VIT modifier that can actually be geared for, and deals a fair chunk of damage to boot. Equipment: High-end Armor Sets (Magic), [Click header for High-end Armor Sets (Magic) section], [Click header for Events & Current Endgame section], [Click header for Other Resources and Tools section]. Server: Cerberus. Maybe. be done on any other slots that won't overcap on the chosen substat as a result, Finally, you begin the arduous task of getting AF and limit breaking quests done. DRK is one hellova job to tackle for a guide. are the sets on the main pages somewhat up to date? Remember, it wont work unless the monster actually has TP. This can be merited in a few different ways to transform the ability which will be covered in the merits section. Note: All weapons are being discussed for general usage, although I may reference more specific uses (zerging notably); this will be discussed in detail later. savage release requires capping tomes on the week of normal mode release. Even so, its not all that good. This is the better half of DRK's selection of Empyrean weapons. Direct Hit, and two Direct Hit IX replaced with Det (or one each of Direct Hit That's the inevitable direction that comment turns it, though. This section will lay out specific best-in-slot gear configurations for Dark 2.45 should feel more familiar to those experienced with Dark Because much higher ilvl gear is required to cap out both substats on The biggest reason for this is the ability Hasso, which is a 100% uptime +10% Haste, +10 Accuracy, and +5 Strength. :-/ and what grind i need to be on weapon wise to get a decent one? As a Tarutaru Dark Knight, you enjoy a wicked MP pool and intelligence in which to use it. the other pieces are just examples; any gear above the optimal sync threshold Recomended: 5 Desperate Blows, 1 Dark Seal, 4 Diabolic Eye. The only true downside to a Galka Dark Knight is its MP. You can mould yourself into any kind of Dark Knight you want from this point, since you have decent of every stat. Nasomi Community FFXI Server Board index International Jobs Dark Knight, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 0 guests. Description. If fully merited you have high uptime on this (3 minute duration, 5 minute recast) and it's +20 accuracy. Additionally replace the chest or pants if you wish to run What it does is will drain 100% of the damage you deal from the monster to you. Equipment: High-end Armor Sets (Defensive/Magic), [Click header for High-end Armor Sets (Defensive) section], VI-4. Curty: That's what I meant when I said it can contend with the both of them, lol. Arcane Circle (5) 10:00 Recast - Increases resistance to arcana. overcap on the chosen substat as a result, indicated by red text in the melding Again, it lasts five minutes with a one-minute recast, and again, it will double recasting time on spells. The DPS to spawn a notorious monster. Scythes aren't a very good option until level 10 (However, if you have no Scythe skill, it might be a wise idea to just stick it out with a scythe from level one, otherwise you wont be able to hit anything once you start partying). I currently have 117 gear/weapons and I was searching some things up. With an "E" in the skill, it's really not very useful in parties, but for soloing it's a great idea to have. Notes: Tempting although it may seem, do not Dual Wield on Dark Knight seriously. IX are replaced with Determination. Additionally replace the chest or pants with a synced re-allocating stats on the relic to switch between them. The two-handed Great Axes have an amazing damage over time, and get some pretty cool weapon skills. These sets are specifically for The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate), DRK fills additional roles in an auxiliary fashion such as: An off-tank (with some finagling as a main tank); So the chances of your eight punches ALL landing on a mob is rare. This is also the sub job you will use for any tanking. A well-played Dark Knight can be a very powerful addition to any party or alliance. higher for maximum value on both substats. You can check your stats under an Increases damage, physical attack & physical accuracy by 1. Thank you Kylos :) ya I have an afterglowd ragnarok and a 119 apoc already. Not sure how many people have done this, but I wanted to master DRK on an alt, to have a new job to play with. On the flip side if you cast this willy nilly you are likely to get very bad returns. Also like Warrior, many are simply not practical for general usage. Tredecim Scythe - This scythe is bad..currently. Anyone have some sets they could post for me? And if thats not enough to make you sub this, you get Meditate at Lv.60. In theory this puts out good white damage, but white damage alone doesn't make up for the huge lack of WS damage you will have with this weapon. It can also be played as a tank at end game levels, relying on spells to generate aggro and mitigating damage with dread spikes, drains, and utsusemi. Your guide ties things up beautifully. In this guide I cover three typ. You badly need to be doing both if you care about this job. A poorly-played Dark Knight can just die a whole lot or just be a crippled damage dealer. General substat priority is followed with the exception of two Direct Hit melds General is followed with the exception of one Direct Hit meld replaced with 5. This set posted has 400 accuracy, so with Hasso up is accuracy capped at the 410 mark we are looking for. People typically ask for a recommended meriting order so I try to add one into these, personally I think its super subjective as your needs vary based on what you do, but here's my take: Desperate Blows 5 > Scythe Skill 8 > Critical Hit 4 > Dark Seal 1 > Diabolic Eye 4 > Souleater Recast 5 > Last Resort Effect 5 > HP 8 > STR 5. Your two-hour ability is pretty useless here, even in a problem situation. Combine with Shield Break, your Dark Knight will be able to deal significantly more damage (as much as 15% more) over time. With average strength, a Mithras damage is high up there too. The Unending Coil of Bahamut (UCOB) Sets, FFXIV PLL #75 Recap - 6.3 Live Letter Part 2, Join Us Live on Twitch for the Icy Veins Podcast, FFXIV PLL #74 Recap - 6.3 Live Letter Part 1, Final Fantasy XIV will be in AGDQ2023 on Friday, January 13th, "Tales from the Dawn": Final Story Released, On the Adjustments to Pandaemonium: Abyssos (Savage). Notable Weaponskills: Sturmwind (DRK level 24), Steel Cyclone (DRK level 75). But as a Dark Knight, taking 1 or 2 less damage should be the least of your worries. TP set or any WS's ? A single piece of gear can often make up for a race's negligible lack in a stat. This set is used against mobs you specifically know will use ice spells/abilities, with this set and some buffs like Barblizzard/Ice Carol you can reduce the incoming damage to nearly 0. In theory this weapon has a lot going for it with tons of passives like an increased Critical Hit Rate, increased Critical Hit Damage, fast swing speed, bonus accuracy, all sorts of things. This set loses about 1.5% DPS compared to the 2.50 and 2.45 sets, and is concerned about absolutely maximizing their damage. For example, you hit a monster for 100 points of damage with Blood Weapon active. Portions of these gear sets can only be acquired by acquiring the current raid tier's gear. You can increase the HP convert from 10% to 12% with one of the three Souleater enhancing items (AF Head, Gloom Breastplate, or Sable Cuisses). Your main support job. Zeni NMs or ZNMs add a ton of items like the Aurum Cuirass set, a new great sword in Nagelring, and a ton of small upgrades that would take too long to list. Ragnarok suffers from not having a good WS, which is why in later versions of FFXI where it was given a good WS, this relic became the best. These are shown on the rings, This is exceptionally useful for boosting the damage of Souleater, in party play you could Drain II the mob before popping souleater for extra bonus HP% damage. Also like Warrior, many are simply not practical for general usage. Dark Knight is not even one of the most popular jobs on Eden, but Apocalypse is the most popular relic on the server, and for very good reason. Dont rely on it to save your hide until Lv.30 comes around. The 2.40 prog set doesn't lose as much compared to the slower sets as the melding menu. Ridill can bring the power of your Dual Wielding up a notch, but the DoT will still be far inferior to using a Scythe or Great Sword. I have a post of gearsets from 2019 at the following link. Bring a friend with you, as you will combat a notorious monster at this point. percent of the alternatives, you still need to keep this gap in mind. I have been doing RoE stuff and I'm following a guide to get 119 gear. This set would have 23.5% Haste in equipment, basically capping you while maintaining high +enmity in gear. Drain scales well and can be used as a strong magic nuke option at 75 even, allowing Drk to play a hybrid backline style not entirely dependent on physical damage. Last Resort Effect - This increases the attack effect of Last Resort by 10% when fully merited, so 25% attack bonus. TP sets should be able to work with /WAR as well. weapon from the fight, use it with Direct Hit melded in the third slot. Within the scope of FFXI, DRK is a Heavy DD (because of its use of heavy armor and whose primary weapons are two-handed great swords and scythes). You do not have the skill ranks that Warrior does to make this viable. There's a whole food section at the bottom of this guide but it's worth mentioning to make sure to always use it, even on Colibri that steal your food. Singlehit weaponskills have the risk of completely missing; producing no TP return and no damage. I wouldn't count on switching this weapon out anytime soon. Enmity in era caps at 10,000 CE and 10,000 VE. A 2.40 GCD set See the Zerging section for more information on this playstyle. Happy to elaborate, i just need time to type it up. Also I'd recommend everyone use a parser program like Scoreboard, Kparse, Parse, or Deeps to keep track of their accuracy and a general idea of how you are doing damage wise compared to others. Hit X materia plus one Direct Hit IX with Skill Speed. Great Swords are at the lower scale of damage over time and has a lower rate of TP gain over time (i.e. With a Scythe out you have access to Guillotine, one of the strongest weaponskills in the game. Any three melds can be replaced so long as a given This post introduced me to your YouTube channel! Additionally, one Direct Hit X and one Critical Hit the only piece with IX materia in it. An Elvaans high vitality means more survivability, and high HP means higher damaging Souleater. meet currently than on release due to potency and system changes, so simply This is one of those sets that you could go harder with, using items in open slots with stats like Defense, Parrying, Evasion, or HP. by the community as UWU. This job-race combinations strength is rivalled by no other, and is super lethal. Secondly, Acid Bolts lower the targets defense for your already high-powered weapon skills. You should also be working on the quested WSs for every weapon you can use on DRK. This is the #1 utility ability that Drk has access to, you can stun giant -aga spells, pecking flurries, lock a mob down so it doesn't Mijin Gakure or Astral Flow, or just stun to let someone get shadows up. At Lv.5 you get Arcane Circle, it's good against arcane monsters and it also will boost your party. This is such a strong spell and learning to use it correctly is integral to being a useful Dark Knight. and 120-second cooldowns and should minimize rotational drift. Notes: Only practical in early levels, not worth using after a certain point. 2 WSs ~1500 TP each would not kill the lamia, but 2 Judgments ~1750TP will. indicated by red text in the melding menu. but can be done on any other slots that won't overcap on the chosen substat as a Spiral Hell is very potent when using the Thief subjob. There are three very useful types of bolts you can, and should use. One cool thing most people don't know about this ability is that with 5/5 you don't need to use Hasso while it's up (because job ability haste caps at 25%) so you can use Seigan+Third Eye for defense. But it's easy to find out what people think about it .. it's a glorified skillchain machine. While it should still perform within a couple Average HP allows your Souleater to deal vicious damage, while your vitality means you dont have to worry all that much about being killed from doing so. Back Piece. No powerful available weaponskills severely limits the damage potential of the weapon. Enmity is the only stat that matters, just swap this in before using Souleater/Last Resort to spike your enmity even higher. It's really a fantastic great sword when you're not trying to invest too heavily in the jobs that can wield it. Ragnarok - The other relic weapon that Dark Knight get's access to, and man is it disapointing. Having above 1 in every elemental resist opens up the ability for you to 1/8th and 1/16th resist spells which I think is worth doing but some people don't. This is a game changer, 10% haste is an unheard of amount of haste on a single item and it allows Dark Knight to effortlesly cap at 25% equipment haste while unequipping pieces of Haste gear for more STR, attack, accuracy, or other stats. Bad news first, this is where a lot of jobs get seen as obsolete, and is also where a ton of other damage-dealers get stuck. Now I think its actually somewhat decent. since he started playing during Sigmascape and mentor on the Balance. Scythes and Great Swords two arent the only weapons Dark Knight can do well with. Enjoy! about ~0.4% DPS output but adds some wiggle room in execution. cost of some DPS. This has very little alternatives and I wouldn't honestly even bother with this set until you have the HQ Darksteel pieces. The main piece would be Ares's Cuirass which gives the max amount of STR/Attack a piece an get, good for single hit WSes like Catastrophe or Spinning Slash, and also is a great idle piece with the refresh built into it. Souleater Recast - Lowers the recast of Souleater by a minute, putting it at 5:00 with full merits. wrist, and second ring, respectively, but can be done on any other slots that All FFXI content and images 2002-2023 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. Sleep to build CE at first, but once you are capped or near capped on CE you can swap to Bind and Poison for cheaper/faster casts to maintain your VE. This set is going to vary wildly based on your accuracy needs, some races can support using Onyx Cuisses, while others may need to use Hecatomb+1 to bridge the accuracy gap. GCDs over the whole fight vs 2.45. Great Sword becomes a very appealing choice at lv66 for a Drk due to. melding menu. down to 2.44 GCD in exchange for ~0.5% of your DPS. Damage mitigation involves a mix of Utsusemi, Dread Spikes, and defensive gear. You must log in or register to reply here. Every race also gets "Race Specific Equipment", or "RSE", that will boost a race's stats to equal, or possibly even surpass other races. Samurai sub also offers defensively utility in Seigan, which allows you to mitigate most incoming single target attacks. Since I don't have Scourge atm, doing double dark with scythe seems to get me kills faster than using a GS when solo cping. Most of the time, focusing on accuracy, attack, dexterity, and strength-boosting equipment is your best bet. It also has a higher damage cap than drain, so you can hit for 400+ damage in max sets. Please add anything if it is needed, and take away anything that is either untrue or not needed. [+] Veydal1 Offline Posts: 78 By Veydal1 2021-05-18 13:34:17 Link | Quote | Reply These are all great points. Buying the tome pants for savage release requires capping tomes on the week of I know great sword for zerging and scythes for skillchaining. Unfortunately, youd be better off with the Scorpion Harness at that level, and at Lv.59, you'll be wearing the Haubergeon body piece. Otherwise, Dark Knight isnt so bad. Notable Weaponskills: None, Weapon Grade: E You may opt to use an Augmented Classical Ring of Fending instead of its Anything said here is seriously exaggerated. Once you go past 300 skill, all you need to worry about is magic accuracy. You have a fair amount of dexterity too, so landing hits isnt a major problem either. Drain II at Lv.62 will actually work well at the start of fights, since you can actually drain. Haste is by far the most important stat in the game, especially if you are stacking it on top of other haste gear and buffs, so the DPS increase from +10% alone is absurd. Then, you restore that 100 HP and also deal all that extra damage. Things to know before you read this wall of text: Thanks for the extensive writeup Carrot! B- skill means that you will have to sacrifice some Haste and Attack for Accuracy gear, producing less DoT in the long run. Drop down and continue south to H-14. Required Total Job Points Spent. Absorb-TP (45): This is a a fun spell, it allows you to steal TP from the enemy and give it to yourself. to receive a key item. Kind of new to DRK, but really enjoying it so far. Also make sure to look me up on twitter and other social media for other final fantasy 11 related stuff.Thanks again and Ill see you guys in Vana'diel!Peace out Riki/Datsik Utsusemi doesn't help much unless the mob constantly spams dangerous AoE's that hit for about 1k+. The weapon, hands, feet, earring, neck, and wrist listed must be exact, but Gear-wise you will use a combination of gear already shown in this guide, as well as new sets for enmity generation and defense. Strategies and information in guides may not work for everyone. If used right before Absorb-TP, you can easily get 100% in a super short period of time. These gearsets are for general use at level 90. Note the wrist from normal mode; this is necessary to drop all Skill Speed. is also provided for those who aren't comfortable with very slow speeds, but it Currently Maintained DPS Spreadsheets: Asura.Chiaia: 2: . Since your attacks are so slow, and your accuracy is so low, its kind of a pain to solo. If the guides aren't up to date, typically there's newer gearsets noted towards the ends of the threads. Drain (10): Dark magic spell that drains HP from the enemy, this is actually a pretty strong nuke and you will use this a lot. Sometimes Dark Knights are called in for the pure purpose of zerging a HNM. Einherjar adds the two pieces of Valhalla gear, which are great pieces for PDT and tanking sets. Dark Knight is a greatsword-swinging tank job with a focus on resource management, burst damage, and proper application of frequent, short-duration defensive cooldowns. A full team of eighteen Lv.75 Dark Knights using Kraken Clubs can take down even Kirin before he summons his minions. Which Set to Use. Hidden Bonus: Increases physical accuracy too. Your AF flanchard (pants) is(are) very underrated. Essentially you won't really take damage with Dread Spikes up from auto attacks until it wears off. Speaking of Souleater, the next piece is your AF headpiece. But was curious does the aeonic stack up well to the other scythes? Some of the upsides to DRK tank are low cooldown stuns, pretty decent offensive output with Drain2/Drain/Dread Spikes, and probably the highest enmity generation capability of any job. These sets are specifically for the Epic of Alexander (Ultimate). (Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide: Quetzacoatl: 6120: 982748: 3 weeks 4 days. INT is lagely going to give 2 INT = 1 Macc, and 1 Dark Skill = 1 Macc so choose whichever piece gives more magic accuracy. Monks also sub Dark Knight sometimes for the unholy power of Souleater + Asuran Fists to end a fight quickly. You can replace any Direct Hit meld with Skill Speed in any slot that won't Two sets, only piece of JSE being +2 neck: How do other DRKs handle Sheol C mobs that resist slashing? Allot no Weapon Grade: B- Weapon Grade: B- Now, since Dark Knight is about as frail as a Black Mage but with metal armor, I dont suggest you use this after about Lv.15 unless its really necessary. optimum efficiency. FINAL Oh and I didn't even mention that Catastrophe heals you for a percent of damage done which makes you very hard to kill with this weapon and allows for some very aggressive Souleatering. Its a pretty decent Scythe. This power comes from the spell Utsusemi, both versions of it, which puts a buff on you that absorbs incoming damage. Well, some may argue that if you have spent your gil making a Caladbolg 99 instead of Ragnarok 99 chances are that you aren't intelligent enough to compete with a Borealis/OAT GS DRK. I want to make it clear that I do not hate Caladbolg or Torcleaver, though I do get mad when Torc decides to miss. This includes daggers, swords, axes, great swords, great axes and scythes. Allot no more than 136 points into each substat for optimum This comes from years of playing around with Scythes and Great Swords at different points of the games life. This set is intended for compatibility with the UCoB set and does not require Well, it's possible for Dark Knight to solo Neak (half bragging, half just wanting to tell someone because I'm so pumped): Well, it's possible for Dark Knight to solo Neak (half bragging, half just wanting to tell someone because I'm so pumped). You have people worried about parses, all while they're running auto-buff and auto-wswhat are you doing? Rather than switching to blunt, the solution to skelleys in Sheol C is to have your White Mage toss a Banishga II after the your tank has gathered the mobs and done a tag. FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Co., Ltd. (Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide.

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