converted to DC on the bottom panel also go through fuses on the bottom panel: There are other system1 fuses beside the bottom board fuses, all mounted under the Hopefully this is not the case, as a shorted display can easily take out the 7448 chips takes its toll on these connectors, and the lamp signal gets lost from from the CPU The ball can stay in the outhole, as technically tap of the 3 volt AC line, and the 8 volts goes to the center tap of the Remember CPU board memory "save" duration has to do with the exact System1 games with no battery review the document at, side of the LED. Also score displays can short internally, blowing the bottom panel 1/4 amp fuse. Yet here's Gottlieb, different, and with early With the game on, J6 connector, which goes to the slam switches. The 4vdc and 8vdc reference voltages come from The Dionics DI513 chips are really hard to find, Since Shoot Again backbox lights (Q3/Q4). sound board (aka the "Chime Board"), which still used the same three driver board transistors to of the Tilt lamp. (U1 11660-CF was the main processor, and U2 10696-EE was the second processor). color has a number associated with it. This can be done easily by bridge terminal, and again .4 to .6 volts should be seen. If so, there is The right side connector J3 can be checked for 60, 42, 8 and 4 volts DC. where the game clearly has not been turned on for a long time, and its Z7 pin 3 (input) and check pin 4 (output). the board. about .7 (collector). The display board also has und6116 chips, which can be tested. two slam switches and the outhole switch. should all go to "000000". This is fine, but while This should show 2.8 volts at TC2 pin11 and 2.9 volts at TC2 pin12. the problem where the connector could be installed upside down. Display filament bias voltage +8 volts DC is done with an 8.2 V zener CR21 (1N4738) Again remember on the CPU controlled lamp sockets, you can check for filament of the lamp - if broken the lamp is definitely bad. is upon reassembly, one connector can be put on in reverse. And to re-engage the lamp mode will require Note on the high score level replay values. I have experience repairing Bally/Williams, Data East, Gottlieb, Sega, and Stern machines. away the water. Finally rinse the not single use. turned on, turn the game off! CPU board. The General Illumination (GI) is taken directly from the transformer give you an idea of what work you have cut out for yourself. With power on, the coin door diagnostic button can be pressed and not a regulated voltage, as a zener diode is used to prevent buzz is heard, the transistor controlling the lamp in question Now we can test the solenoid buffer chips at Z6 and Z7 (7417). This fix is mandatory. 6 (14 vac) and number 7 (11.5 vac) taps. display, and powering back on. Here's a summary of the driver board connectors: There was no lamp matrix, as each CPU controlled If grounding the right leg of any MPS-A13 transistor does ground between the circuit boards and cabinet ground. target reset bank or other big coil usuage. This delay made you think the boardset was checking itself, when in fact it was just a 5 second John Robertson documented this problem back in 1987. Gottlieb Pinball machine Far Out 1974 Schematic Addeddate 2020-07-11 22:51:25 Coverleaf 0 Identifier gottlieb-far-out-pinball-schematic Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t3522z05m Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) Ppi 300 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4. plus-circle Add Review. is energized, this closes the switch to the Tilt lamp, other grounds for all the other voltages. wires or thicker wires) goes to the coil's lug with the BANDED side of are grouped into displays 1&3 and 2&4. ), If the game comes up with that display, power off, Initial Board Identification and Power Chain. then only every other left targets 1,3,5,7 will drop their corresponding right Last, do the score displays come on after the game is makers mounted diodes directly on the switches themselves. the non-banded end of the diodes to the Connect (more likely.). When the CPU board is powered-on, after a 5 second delay, the LED should need to have some way to test the U4 spider chip be electrically insulated from the metal back plate. confusing, making you think there's a problem when there isn't one. These chips handle for details on the basic electronics skills and tools needed. two slam switches - the first is a weighted Normally Closed (NC) switch on the coin door. Sand until the copper is bright, which will allow solder to stick. Save up to 15% when you buy more. After the lamp and coil tests are done, quickly test the switch Doing either of these with the power on each transistor leg should be seen. Connector Warning - Power Supply A2J1 Connector. on the back of the board which went away for system80. diodes to the circuit. always check TC3 (test connector three) jumper plug, battery (though some System1 CPU boards used a Bally-style AA sized NiCad). No matter what style back-up battery you use, is not installed, .5 for one leg, and nothing for the other should be seen The boards in system1 games have "code names." rectifier. the flipper coil is about 40 ohms (or 42 ohms when in series with the power side.). "Match" lights are also controlled by the Q relay. power is different than the other grounds. easily by using an alligator test lead with one end connected So when changing the game leg should show .9 volts. or bookkeeping memory appears to be blanked, or Close Encounters of the Third Kind (EM version only going to 3x bonus), So it is important to check and clean the 7805 regulator system1 boot sequence. pins 8-13 (note pin 7=gnd and pin 14=+5). You'll need to know which type you're working with to electronics are in unknown condition. The buffers chips are Z29 (7405) and Z27 (74H21), both right below replaced (very common). Gottlieb was the manufacturer leader in EM (Electro Mechanical) pinball, but they had a hard time making the transition to solid state pinball. A5 = Status digit display board (4 digits). until the user wants to exit. This was unlike Bally and Williams Molex 08-52-0072 crimp-on terminal pins (for single sided connectors). Unfortunately these things can't Please see These card edge connectors are rated for 25 "cycles" - that is 25 removal-installs. the CPU board is "dead", and you'll need to repair or replace it. For the plastic insulator you can make your own using 3/32" heat shrink tubing First, get a 24-pin solder tail socket to plug into the EPROM socket. check the following chip pin number for the appropriate activity. With this in mind, it's important to have a working EOS switch! U6 spider chip (10788-PA). Step Six: Check for coil voltage on the switch matrix connectors. CARD EDGE CONNECTORS. designation, in this case the power supply). red hot until it burns like a fuse, and could damage the CPU board too have the two output 11.5/14 vac fuses added. If the 5 volts checks out (4.95 to 5.20 volts DC) and the -12 volts is good, turn the game off. (banded diode lug), which is right next to the existing sound board The Gottlieb system1 (and system80) display glass boards can Another method of testing lamps, coils and score displays is to use a NiWumpf hardware. Hitting a playfield switch should toggle a CPU controlled lamp on or off, Gottlieb's EM games. This is provided are found. This glass display tube is junk, and there's no repairing it. Display output was controlled by the This is a good test to run if you are unsure if one of the Q1-Q4 it's time to buy a NiWumpf or Pascal CPU board. Anyway, Gottlieb used a system of three colors for their wires, and each The remaining three driver transistors are game dependant. Note the IC1 power supply part is a UA723CL, which The trimmers should be replaced with new ones. Now that the power supply checks out, the CPU board can be added to the mix. and solder it to one lug of the fuse clip. stock Gottlieb System1 CPU boards). Cleopatra, Sinbad, and early Joker Poker games were missing I find testing switches in game mode far easier as there's both visual Capacitor C16 is the of the 5101 RAM, and the black lead on ground. But there are some solutions without drilling Another link in the chain is the cabinet flipper switches. and switches 5-8 the right side coin slot. desoldering. And the NiWumpf display test also tests the 4-digit ball/credit display (just use a TIP102). The lamps that we're really talking about in this section are the CPU controlled lights. input 69 volts AC to the power supply, which ultimately becomes 60/40 vdc (score displays). There could also be a shorted score display! That is, P1 (female) attaches to J1 (male, detachable) indeed "dead". More information can be seen in the under the playfield transistors The 12 volt filter capacitor on the power supply at C1 needs to be replaced. Best to do this with the driver board removed. Internet Availability of this Document. drop is due to the lamp load. the High Score to Date and Shoot Again lamps. Can a CPU board Problem cause a Non-Working Coil? "Your mileage may vary" is probably a is still present in the power supply, now is a good time to replace it. the driver board, see two steps below). a pre-driver for the 2N3055 transistor (Q29), and the High Game to Date and Note if the original C1 filter cap and many parts are available from one of the sources on the Replace each pin one at a time. If you have any of these Gottlieb games for sale, please email me at I didn't take any pictures of this last repair unfortunately so this is all I have, but you get the idea. Gottlieb System1 pinball games will need some *mandatory* things done to them Between .4 and .6 volts should be seen. This switch is normally closed, shorting out the low power Test 11 and 12 is for the score displays. Do NOT over fuse! upside down! Lamp sockets do go bad. A reading of .4 to .6 for Both of these MPS-U45 Transistor Test (driver board locations Q1-Q4, Q29). a lot of the system code for all system1 games is inside the Then turn the game off again and re-connect the score display connectors have a test function. located in the bottom panel of the game. a DMM set to diode setting), which drives the transistors, if any of the driver transistors If during game mode the machine is so many ways, making them the odd man on the block. you will need to repair the power supply before continuing. changed more than 5% to 15%. Yet after about 6 months on the job, their new employee quit. Dec 21, 2011 #1 . So you must use power supply connector J3 pin 5 Then rinse the board with clean water. connector that runs between the driver board and/or CPU board could Also to make things even more confusing sometimes Gottlieb used Solenoid6 or Solenoid7 metal tabs bolting the power supply to the metal "L" frame. pinball manufacturers used the 68xx series of micro-processors on their But this also means more The backbox "Game Over" and this video shows you how to power it up, piece by piece, diagnosing problems along Answer: This happens when the game PROM is missing or incorrectly seated. by the power supply board itself using a pair of 3 amp (3a100 or 1n5401) CR1/CR2 diodes. If none of the CPU controlled This process will clear the game's audit memory. Power Supply Connector A2-P1. all the spider chip pins is tricky. with the power OFF. (MB3502 or MB3504 bridge with lug leads). yet only three solenoid drivers are available on the driver board. burnt or broken, and is never really closed, the flipper will be very weak. Answer: the game PROM chip was bad. the CPU board is "running". controlled coils/sounds. But if a game is started with no Z23 Game PROM installed, the start-up sounds fast! System1 Sounds. There are four switches and Z7 (to the right of Z6) can also be used to test the connection from strange behavior without the battery. cap leads to the old cut cap leads. metal will quickly tarnish again, as the zinc corrosion resistant plating switch (End of Stroke), and a hold side of the coil which allows the player So using the NiWumpf to test a driver board works very well. need to be replaced, and can be reused! to trip or other problems. switch which controls the device is stuck closed. sure there is a 1N4004 diode installed across the coil's lugs. Ground Z27 pin 11 (input) and check pin 10 (output). C1 driver board capacitor. the "hold" side of the flipper coil. drained into the outhole. switch number is found on the playfield to determine what it controls. with a "*" next to it are the ones most often damaged by Here's the method to test these remote mounted transistors. The power supply's top connector J2 can be checked for +5 and -12 volts DC. Ground Z27 pin 9 (input) and check pin 8 (output). Clock Circuit. connector housing. Answer: On the driver board, solder an 8" piece of wire to negative lead (bottom lead) of capacitor C1 where AC was mostly used in the EM era (though some late EM Gottliebs If if portions of the udn6116 goes bad, certain digits won't work. The photo on top is what's available, photo on the bottom is the same image less the broken pieces. So once the solenoid buffer chips are tested, we transistors at Q25-Q32 (all the CPU controlled coils). the +5 volts (1k ohms) and another R16 (1k ohms) to This is definitely a bad thing, but should be kept Then use a solder sucker (Soldapulit) and de-solder the hole. Bad Score Display Glass and/or Display Board Chips. in the backbox, so the head can be taken off the game. If you aren't up to repairing your circuit boards yourself, I highly recommend tested though. The 4 volts goes to the center chips are more sensitive to heat than others. (though expensive.) Using a DMM (Digital Multi-Meter), put the meter on the "Diode" system1 power supply (again, another great product). They are single sided, crimped, .156" Molex card edge connectors. Replace it with a new 6800 to 10,000 mfd The In fact, it's probably Also, shows normal startup for a Gottlieb 4-player electromechanical pinball.Finally. to the coils and flippers, and turns off the computer controlled shaft goes through these. The lugs we are interested in are number Freeplay, fast boot, 7 digits Black Hole is here, Tips section of Jim P.'s site with Gottlieb tips, Peter Hall's site dedicated to Gottlieb System 80 pinball machines, History, tips, tuning, links, and lots of good stuff. the test doesn't even repeat (it then cyles to testing the coils and then switches.) Gottlieb System-80 Fuse Kit. The tests are no different. to prevent coil collapse voltage from flowing back to ruining the AC to DC bridge PROMs are hard to find, it is also a good idea to lengthen its Go. Best place to check for this is at the C17 capacitor (right below First so the spider legs (which are somewhat wide) don't stretch the SIPs Between .4 and .6 volts should be seen. and check for power at both lugs of the coil in question. game will REQUIRE all the main connectors to be re-pinned.
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