nogales international obituaries
nogales international obituaries

His home is in Hollywood.KERSON RECOVERINGJames Kerson of the Cavern Casehas recovered from a severe attackof influenza. Alicia L. Corral. Wrenn said the Arizona High- |way magazine is very much interested in Sonora and is publicizingi Guaymas and other parts of thatstate extensively.I Sonora is next door to Arizonaand is rapidly becoming a playground for many tourists who annually winter in Arizona and to getthere they must come through Nogales, therefore, Nogales benefitsgreatly by the publicity we are giving the west coast of Mexico, saidWrenn.Oldtime ForesterHere ForCattlemens MeetA resident, of Arizona since x ' rleft Indian Territory in Mav 1897J. 1ORES BOUGHT f.o.b. Echovita Inc is a registered trademark. Her devotion to her family Read More, Obituary of Clifford Joseph Carr Clifford Joseph Carr We are heartbroken to announce the death of our father, Clifford Carr. iARTICLE VIThe commencement of the corporation shall be the date of the is-I suance to it of a certificate of in-I corporation by the Arizona Corpora- (tion Commission, and it shall en-;dure for the full term of twenty- ffive years thereafter, with privilege jof perpetual succession as providedby statute.ARTICLE VIIThe affairs of the corporationshall be conducted by a Board ofDirectors and such officers as thesaid Directors may elect or appoint. Assessors Office Closes at 12 oClockon Saturday, March 16, 1946R. Phone 40A. E. Heady was here Thursdayfrom San Rafael Valley.Mark Boosinger of Patagonia wasa Nogales visitor Wednesday.I. STE 600 Naples, Florida 34108. Use multiple collections to fact-check any found records. Briefs: NPD still seeking answers in man's death. Find the right funeral home to guide your family through end-of-life planning. Please choose a method to submit your photo. E. SMITH26 Years Experienceln ChargeQuick WorkFair PricesJACKSONGARAGE227 MORLEY AVE.DODGE-PLYMOUTHAGENCYtp M O 6 N I K/klomd_ 1cb\Cu/p-coTK&fonect 1CITY CENTERED JHWITHIN A CITY jjmjomn a noocrsu fprfJACK J. KAN*Omm! Prepare a personalized obituary for someone you loved.. Search Nogales obituaries and condolences, hosted by 1Your Vote Will Be GladlyAppreciatedA. December 15, 2022 (60 years old) View obituary. information about local people. Garca-Garca J, Diez-Echave P, Yuste ME, Chueca N, Garca F, Cabeza-Barrera J, Fernndez-Varn E, Glvez J, Colmenero M, Rodrguez-Cabezas ME, Rodrguez-Nogales A, Morn R. Gut Microbiota Composition Can Predict Colonization by Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria in SARS-CoV-2 Patients in Intensive Care Unit: A Pilot Study., Nogales international. Os C. DriveTo End MondayWith the two teams in charge ofthe drive running neck and neck,the annual Chamber of Commercemembership campaign will close ati 5 p.m., Monday.Tire teams, captained by BobMarcus and Bill Lytle, have broughtin more than 50 new members,many of whom have never beforebeen affiliated with the chamber.Team members are urged to turnin their remaining membershipcards before 5 p.m., Monday.NOGALES HOME NEWSPAPER .. . Nogales international. Three members withdrew atthis meetirtg. NOGALES INTERNATIONAL Nogales Home Newspaper- NOGALES, ARIZ., FRIDAY, MARCH 15,1946Hooales UntevnationalA Democratic NewspaperEstablished May 25, 1925Devoted to the Interest ol Nogales and VicinityPUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNINGIn The NOGALES INTERNATIONAL Building225 Grand Ave., Nogales ArizonaCRAIG POTONGER Editor and PublisherSubscription Rate $2.50 A Year, $1.50 Six Months, 25 cents a MonthEntered as Second class matter February 3, 1928 at the postofficeat Nogales, Arizona, under the Act of March 3, 1878OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF SANTA CRUZ COUNTYOFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CITY OF NOGALEStpipr it of {Arizona Newspapers As36a7:onPa# Greater Public Servica IThere Will Be No WarDespite the gloomy prophecies, there will be NOwar. Founded in. Hereafter itis expected the orchid lounge will beused in addition to the ballroom.JONES RAPS CRITICSYou cant accuse me of being responsible for the present state taxrate, declared Gov. Our online database enables you to perform searches without the hassle of performing manual searches through old records. Connect other family members mentioned in the death notice to confirm whole sections of your family tree. Nogales Obituaries - Latest Obituaries in Nogales, AZ | p.2 - Echovita . Serving the cities of Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Sonora, together with the surrounding areas of the Santa Cruz County, the original works were designed to meet the needs of 20,000 . A private burial was held by her family and close friends on Additional Information. J. BIRD "PERSONAL, PAINT SHOPSkilled WorkmanshipBusiness Phone 292Residence Phone 593-J333 Morley AvenueNOGALES, ARIZONAifthe new Electric Hour"HOUR OF CHARM"B^9I|ALL-GIRL ORCHESTRAunder the direction ofPHIL SPITALNYSUNDAY AFTERNOONIVKLYN AND HER MAGIC VIOLINCITIZENS UTILITIES COMPANYGasElectricitylcePolo Players HoldPractice GameA practice polo match was heldSunday by two local teams in preparation for several out-of-towngames which will be played in Marchand April.Several teams are interested inAn Ethical Prescription Pharmacy jRegistered PharmacistFresh DrugsCareful Compounding jSterile Packaging jTHE MODERN PHARMACY jJOE COLUNGA, Prop.Phone 20 209 Morley Ave. \EXTRA LIGHT BREAD!i "Full-strength yeast acts faster because itsfresh! Donate Nogales International Airport (OLS) located in Nogales, Arizona, United States. James Hathaway of Canille,accompanied by her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. HowardHathaway, motored to Bisbee Monday to have the cast removed fromMrs. J. M. Keith of Phoenix, secretary of the association, said arrangements should have been madefor 300. Nogales international. [volume], February 22, 1941, Image 1 November 19, 2022 (66 years old) View obituary. She is survived by daughters, Yolanda (Michael) Robinson, Marcia They hope to establish a perfect community on the uninhabited isle, which is a 700-mile voyage from Miami. var today = new Date() To buy, sell, hold, and gener-Experienced And EquippedHuraway Typewriter & Supply Co Repairing and Rebuilding of All Makes of Typewriter*.Ribbons for all makes. The Nogales International wastewater treatment plant was first conceived in 1943 to provide a regional approach to the issue of wastewater treatment and disposal. NOGALES INTERNATIONALNogaIes Home NewspaperEXPERTRADIO SERVICEA good supply of tubes andother radio parts; cords andelements for electrlr irons andtoasters; phonograpn needlesand recording discs; vacuumcleaner belts, etc.KAANTARadio Service235 Morley Phone 93Eat At SamsThe Biggest LittlePlace in Town!SAMSSTEAK HOUSE(BARTON CAFE)GRAND and CRAWFORDFor A GayTime InOld MexicoVISIT THE CAVERNTHE BEST OF FOODSNEW FLOOR SHOWand DANCINGEverybody Goes to the CAVERNCAFEKERSGN & KERSON, S.A.ProprietorsmmumuuuumummmmmammittpayyOU.mmto look into our plan lor localam hmdng and insuringbeforejmi buy your a mm am. It seems a safe prediction to say that a new all-timehigh mark will be set by vacationists this summer.Your Income is LikeYour Shadow - ItStops When You DoAn Income for your family thatwill not stop if your life shouldbe cut short can be convenientlyarranged through an EquitableFamily Income Policy.The Equitable LifeAssurance SocietyOs The United StatesHERMAN C. MEDLEN,AgentBowman Hotel Bldg.War Brings Breadlines to North ChinaWar and flood, three years of the former and a succession of thelatter, have had their effect on the Japanese-dominated part of China.More than 2,000 Chinese, most of them women and children, died onShanghai streets this past winter. Rosa Manzanedo. Nogales international. [volume] (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-1979, February 14 Clotilde O. Valdez Obituary - El Paso Times .WE BUY USEDFURNITUREand Pay Highest Prices . Reach . *******FLOWER SHOWTomorrow at the Womans Clubrooms, the Nogales Womans Clubwill sponsor its second flower show,and, in view of the success of theone last spring, everyone is anticipating the display of manybeautiful garden blooms. 1930. Legal | Visit the GenealogyBank Learning Center for tips and inspiration. Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963 or use the U.S. Nogales International obits are an excellent source of information about those long-lost family members in Nogales, Arizona.. With the Nogales International obituary archives being one of the leading sources for uncovering your history in Arizona, it's important to know how to perform a Nogales International obituary search to access this wealth . Nogales Police Officer dies after being struck by vehicle on I-19. J. LOWEFORSCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for County SchoolSuperintendent subject to thedecision of the voters at the Julyprimary election.CORA EVERHARTFOR SUPERVISORI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for County Supervisor in District No. Nogales international. [volume] (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-1979, April 18 958 talking about this. A celebration Read More, Obituary of Eric William Beach Beloved husband, father, grandfather & friend Eric William Beach went to live with Jesus on January 25, 2023 Read More, Obituary of Ronald Phillip Trout Ronald P Trout, 80, passed away peacefully on February 11th, 2023, in Tucson, AZ. Roberta Bracker. 1Mwalls are six feet in thickness and support a massive church tower. Pedro Balderrama Caballero. J. Craig Watt.Hymn by Junior Choir.Scripture reading.Song by Miss Amalia Manuel,The Rosary.Offertory.Anthem, choir.Sermon, The Unfailing Presence.Hymn, Crown Him With ManyCrowns.Evening Service 7:30.Instrumental, flute and piano,Meditation by choir.Anthem by choir, "Let The EarthRejoice.Responsive service of scripture.Prayer and music appropriatelyblended , led by pastor, with congregation and choir participating.Solo, Ted Carter.VARIETY Iis What the Houaewife Want*We have the largest varietyof fresh, delicious, homemade, fancy pastries in Nogales. The schoolregistration has increased and theState, by law, must put up S6O foreach student. The main news page for the Nogales International Newspaper in Nogales, AZ to include local and national news highlights. To the east may be traced walls believed to have formed the cloisters and workyords. Bisbee Douglas9:00 A 10:45 A 12:25 P 1:15 P4:00 P 6:00 P 7:25 P 8:15 PNOGALES-BISBEESTAGE CO.Telephone 163CITIZEN AUTOSTAGE CO.TUCSON NOGALESPhone 6370 Phone 163NORTHBOUNDLeave Nogales: 7:00 A.M., 8:30A.M., 9:15 A.M., 10:15 A.M..11:00 A.M., 12:01 P.M., 1:30 P.M., 3:00 P.M., 3:45 P.M., 4:15 P.M., 5:00 P.M., 6:20 P-M 8:30 P.M.. 10:30 P.M.SOUTHBOUNDLeave Tucson: 7:10 A.M., 8:00 A.M., 8:30 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 9:30 A.M., 10:50 A.M., 12:01 P.M., 1:00P.M., 2:00 P.M., 3:45 P.M., 5:10P.M., 6:20 P.M., 8:30 P.M., 12:30A.M.Effective February 9, 1945MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME1JIM TITCOMBpartment of Patagonia Union HighSchool. \ \ / \For the sore travail that rcaused theyislons and despairs, mymother, forgive me. Copyright E. Lee,Clerk of the aid Superior Court.H. Photo. L. French, Secretary and Treasurer.ARTICLE VIIIThe Directors shall have powerto adopt, amend and rescind by.liws, to fill vacancies occuring in the (3oard from any cause.ARTICLE IXThe highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which this corporation is at any time to subjecttself, direct or contingent, is ONEHUNDRED SIXTY-SIX THOUS- jAND SIX HUNDRED SIXTY-SIX ,and 66/100 ($166,666.66) DOLLARS.ARTICLE XThe stockholders and members ofthis corporation and their privateproperty Will be exempt forever from 1any liability for the debts of thiscorporation.ARTICLE XI [This corporation does hereby ap- 1point Duane Bird, of Nogales, who Jlias been a bona fide resident of (Arizona for at least three years, its clawful agent in and for the State of jArizona for and in behalf of said What's next after Hobbs terminated Arizona-Mexico Commission members? . L. French, Nogales, ArizonaARTICLE IIThe name of corporation shall beTITLE INSURANCE, MORTGAGE& TRUST CO.ARTICLE IUThe pjincipal place of business Jof this Corporation within Arizona jshall be Nogales, Arizona, but other,offices may be established and maintained within or outside of Aiizonaat such places as *he Board of Directors may designate whore meetings of stockholders and directorsmay be held, and any and all corporate business transacted.ARTICLE IVThe general nature of the business jof the corporation and the objectsand purposes proposed to be transacted, promoted, or carried by itare as follows, to-wit:1. Phone 176Mexican MoneyBought and Soid.| Loans to salaried peopleINSURANCEC. Looking up Nogales International obituaries in Arizona doesn't have to be difficult. As family members typically wrote these, they tend to be relatively accurate. PoeMl dbtoHo. To buy, own, sell, mortgage,lease, and deal in real estate.2. Nogales International Airport ADOT Information; FAA Airport Identifier: OLS; Master Plan Project; Mission Statement To promote and encourage public aviation services and economic development activities at Nogales International Airport consistent with sound public policy, Federal Aviation Administration regulations and public safety and welfare. Russell Van Gorder was ashopper in Nogales Friday.Mr. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Jobs | Sam Hill and guest Mrs.Willhoyt of Elgin were shoppers inNogales Wednesday.Mrs. According Read More, Obituary of Larry Dwain White It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Larry White, a beloved husband, father, and heavy equipment Read More, Obituary of Daniel Xavier Berjac To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Daniel Berjac, please visit Tribute Store Read More, Miguel Fuentes's passing on Monday, January 16, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. Titcomb arrived Tuesday fromSombreretillo, 60 miles southwest ofNogales, where he is engaged inmining.CUSTOMS OFFICIALEdson J. Shamhart, chief of theDivision of Enforcement. The headsi of both men were blown off. Its also ideal for fact-checking, as many obituaries werent necessarily created with 100% accuracy. Heroica Nogales - Wikipedia July 26, 2022 (75 years old) Press | B. SORRELLSDemocratic Candidate ForReelectionCOUNTY SUPERVISORDistrict No.

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