These are powerful, intelligent, and sometimes professionally trained people in the art of dirty-handed techniques to obtain/maintain power, control and willingly engage in extortion, blackmail, and simply threatening violence against enemies and their loved ones. Included here are many new FBI files that have been released to the public but never added to this website; dozens of records previously posted . Katie Murphy Amphitheatre (FIT) - Saturday, October 15th at 6.30PM. Confirmation of the following facts and material can be found at: The strange men with a herd of young kids were brought in and questioned in Tallahassee and the van they traveled in was impounded. It was all just part of the Satanic Panic that seemed to be going around and although the group did not adhere to traditional societal male and female roles in raising children, nothing illegal was happening to warrant charges. The documents are scattered throughout the three published sections in no coherent order, and are interspersed with news reports from the time ranging from the initial arrests and the child custody issue to the 1993 inquiry into CIA connections with and protection of the group. The Finders were a cult discovered in the late 80's in Florida. Some claimed that the group used extortion and blackmail to stop members from leaving, while others claimed that the group regularly used arson to keep members in line or seek retribution. Notice the Freemason/Satanic symbol used by Gunderson on the cover of his report on The Finders.. See: If our website is seized and shut down, find us on Telegram, as well as Bitchute and Odysee for further instructions about where to find us. It was noted that one of the men did not cooperate at all, and when questioned appeared to go into a trance-like state. That phone call would kick off the Finders scandal: a series of events and multiple investigations even more bizarre than the initial report. Contents 1 Activities 2 Weblinks 3 Related Document 4 References Activities Below are all possible answers to this clue ordered by its rank. WASHINGTON In February 1987, an anonymous phone tip was called into the Tallahassee police department reporting that six children were dirty, hungry, and acting like animals in the custody of two well-dressed men in a Tallahassee, Florida park. They claimed they knew the men well and trusted them, and that the children had not been kidnapped. Don't Pick Up the Phone. Based on the children being from the D.C. area, the FBI was called to help Tallahassee police assist in the case. key makeup artist (11 episodes, 2012) Kathy C. King . Houlihan and Ammerman first told police that they weretransporting the children to a school for brilliant children in Mexico. The original strong allegations of sexual abuse of at least two of the six children were eventuallycontradictedby Florida authorities. Key documents from the MPD investigation are labeled secret, just as Martinez had claimed, which is bizarre on its face if we are to believe that the Finders were simply an odd alternative living commune. During the Vietnam War, Air America transported some 46 million foodstuffs to Laos alone, while crews in Southeast Asia were responsible for transporting troops and materials. The U.S. Customs Service, the Washington Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), and the FBI became involved in the attempt to identify the two men based on suspicions of interstate criminal activity including the possibility of child pornography. There were electrical switches in the school that did not work for that purpose, but rather sounded alarm alert systems. The Finders is the first installment in the new Mace Reid K-9 Mystery series. On a chilly February morning in 1987, [Wednesday, February 4, 1987,] an anonymous caller tells the Tallahassee Police Department that two well dressed men are at a local park with six kids and a blue van. However, evidence against the Finders is uniquely graphic and comes from documents rather than just eyewitness testimony. Understand the Times We are Currently Living Through, Unmasking Who is Behind the Plandemic and Rioting to Usher in the New World Order, Insider Exposes Freemasonry as the Worlds Oldest Secret Religion and the Luciferian Plans for The New World Order, transporting the children to a school for brilliant children in Mexico, hundreds of Finders investigation documents, Synagogue of Satan: Why Its Time to Leave the Corporate Christian Church, Spiritual Wisdom vs. Natural Knowledge Why There is so Much Deception Today, How to Determine if you are a Disciple of Jesus Christ or Not. 7. . Shauna Giesbrecht . Beyond this, there is little concrete evidence about the Finders. A site called simply "What is my movie?" was created to showcase some next-level fuzzy search and deep search technology. So what really happened? Besides the Finders, the case of Johnny Gosch has also been linked to the Franklin child prostitution case, which during the late 1980s had many convinced that Nebraska foster care homes and daycares were run by pedophiles and Satanists. Our next documentary is focused on The Finders cult. Youngs arrest stemmed from her time as the leader of the House of Prayer for All People, a cult headquartered in Gainesville, Florida during the 1980s. Create a free website or blog at As described by the Times and the Chicago Tribune, the children were placed in police protective custody after threats were received at the shelters where they had originally been housed. The backstory of the Finders is murky and mired in dangerous suggestions. FAQ. So what do you think? Customs officials said their links to the DC area led authorities into a far-reaching investigation that includes The Finders -- a group of about 40 people that court documents allege is led by a man named Marion Pettie -- and their various homes, including the duplex apartment in Glover Park, the Northeast Washington warehouse and a 90 acre farm One of the sane voices when it comes to examining the science behind modern-day vaccines, no pro-vaccine extremist doctors have everdared to debate her in public. That's what makes The Finders one of the top recruiting companies in Phoenix. Did the CIA Set Up NSA Leaker Reality Winner? See: This incredible video is MUST WATCHING for anyone who has not viewed it yet, to more fully understand the times we currently live in, and how we got here. The Finders group was found to have multiple properties in Washington, D.C. and a farm in rural Madison County, Virginia. (Full Documentary), Who Will Find What The Finders Hide? The original strong allegations of sexual abuse of at least two of the six children were eventually contradicted by Florida authorities. After its discovery, two men from Maiden, North Carolina fought for custody of it. No one was ever prosecuted in the wake of the initial 1987 investigation or a 1993 inquiry into the allegations of CIA involvement: official denials were maintained, and authorities stated that no evidence of criminal activity was ever found. I contacted Martinez in 2017 and confirmed that he authored the document and that it is genuine, but to date, he has otherwise refused to go on record to comment on the matter with me. By initially sensationalizing the issue via the framing of the Finders as a satanic cult, the media profited from immediate shock value while permitting this very sensationalism to become the premise for dismissing other aspects of the story and Finders ties to the CIA to remain unexplored. WASHINGTON (AP) _ The Finders cult, two members of which were found traveling in Florida with six disheveled children, does not perform satanic rituals or abuse kids, one of the group says. It was basically a catalog of boys for sale. The Finders originated in the early 1970s (known as The Seekers in those days) under the direction of Marion Pettie. The speed with which the public narrative about the Finders changed raised more than a few eyebrows.[2]. Pettie, a veteran of the US Army and Air Force, would help raise these children to be tough and self-sufficient. I believe the great awakening is upon us, and there is no better time than today to expose the evil that lurks in darkness. The story exploded on a national scale after investigators linked the pair, identified as Douglas Ammerman and Michael Houlihan (also referred to as Michael Holwell), with a Washington D.C.-based. February 8, 1987. Food Family Fantasy IMDB Top Rated LGBTQ Mystery Reality Science Fiction. Then there is the phenomenon of information disappearing outright, including vanishing evidence and instances of records never having been kept, resulting in conflicting accounts of the existence of critical pieces of evidence. In November 2019, the FBI declassified nearly 650 pages relating to a group known as The Finders. 24.5k members in the banned4life community. For instance, Petties wife, Isabell Pettie, was discovered to be a 21-year veteran of Air America, an airline company owned by the CIA. The Finders were founded by a mysterious man with military connections nicknamed "The Game Caller" who believed in turning his life, and the lives of those around him, into a constant game or experiment. More horrific still was the findings of a doctor in Florida, who found that some of the six recovered children from Tallahassee showed signs of sexual abuse, including evidence of anal penetration. Comments by Brian Shilhavy The true crime docuseries Monique Olivier: Accessory to Evil (Original title: L'Affaire Fourniret) hit Netflix on March 2nd, and the internet has been shaken ever since.Check out how Twitter is . She turned it into the FBI but apparently the lead went dry. Comment on this article at You can easily improve your search by specifying the number of letters in the answer. Robert Terrell, a member of the group who worked as their spokesperson during 1987, described the Finders as an unconventional social experiment whereby members would be given directives by Pettie, must of which ranged from the pedestrian to ridiculous. U.S. Customs Special Agent Ramon J. Martinez claimed in amemorandumthat during his participation in the searches of two of the Finders properties in Washington he witnessed evidence of the Finders intent to traffick children and other potentially criminal acts. Pettie claimed to have links to military intelligence. Derrick is the only journalist to interview Finders founding member Tobe Terrell, in more than 25 years. Further impeding the willingness of most journalists to cover such a story were claims of ritualistic abuse that were hyped by corporate media at the time of the incident, as well as allegations of a CIA-led coverup that were less widely recognized by the legacy press. Another politician, Representative Tom Lewis (R-F.L. Later the police contacted the mothers of some of the children, with most admitting that they had voluntarily given their children over to Ammerman, Holwell, and others. Finders Keepers is a story about a bitter rivalry between two men who are in some ways two sides of the same coin. The Finders create control files on politicians and people in high places using children. The Finders were an intentional community and a cult founded in Washington, D.C. in the early 1970s by former Air Force master sergeant AKA (Master of Games) Marion Pettie (1920-2004). [3] The Finders: CIA Ties to Child Sex Cult Obscured as Coverage Goes from Sensationalism to Silence, transporting the children to a school for brilliant children in Mexico, hundreds of Finders investigation documents, Media Ignore Seymour Hersh Bombshell Report of US Destroying Nord Stream II, Openly Pro-Israel Tech Group Now Has Control over UKs Most Sensitive National Security Data. While the documentary follows the women of the Padilla family, there's one absence. A man named Skip Clementsallegedly communicatedthe U.S. Customs documents and other records to then-Florida Rep. Tom Lewis (R) and North Carolina Rep. Charlie Rose (D). Regardless of the intent behind the documents inclusion, it serves to further associate the Finders with the so-called moral panic scandals of the era, which I would argue distracts from the issue of intelligence ties to the case. There is the admission that Isabelle Pettie, the wife of Finders leader Marion Pettie, worked for the CIA during the Cold-War era (Pettie also admitted that his son worked for the CIA-linked, Iran Contra-era Air America), and that it was her visas to North Korea, North Vietnam, Russia and elsewhere that had been approved by the State Department. The Finders were an obscure spiritual group based in Washington D.C. [1] Under the leadership of Marion Pettie it "flourished underground for decades" [2] and appears to have received protection by the US deep state after interest from US authorities. The Finders Paperback - July 5, 2019 by Dr. Jeffery A. Martin (Author) 277 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle $0.00 Read with Kindle Unlimited to also enjoy access to over 3 million more titles $9.99 to buy Audiobook $0.00 Free with your Audible trial Hardcover $29.95 11 Used from $10.48 13 New from $23.11 Paperback Finders Keepers documentary. On February 4, 1987, two men dressed in suits and ties in the company of six bug-bitten, dirty, hungry children were arrested in Tallahassee, Florida, on charges of child abuse after a concerned citizen called local police. They lived in the van and in tents. Others made the shocking allegation that members of the group posed as babysitters across the country in order to kidnap children. Having problems receiving our newsletters? Derricks 8 part investigation into The Finders lead to a full length documentary titled, Who Will Find What The Finders Hide? But. African Queens: Njinga. Los Angeles / Altadena, United States. The Finders trail would ultimately lead to allegations of a cult involved in ritual abuse, an international child-trafficking ring, evidence of child abuse confirmed and later denied, and ties with the CIA, which was alleged to have interfered in the case. Our Process Grow Your Team The U.S. Customs Service, the Washington Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), and the FBI became involved in the attempt to identify the two men based on suspicions of interstate criminal activity including the possibility of child pornography. However, this story did not adequately explain why the six children were found unwashed, covered in bug bites, and practically starving. When two members were discovered with 6 small children.
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