venus in 12th house synastry forum
venus in 12th house synastry forum

However, I have a group of planets that fall my husbands twelfth house and hes had no complaint with it. An at one point he came to me, looked me in the eyesand asked me: " do I know you?" Love you, Elsa many thanks for this wonderful forum! I, like YOU much prefer the beneficial planets:), I have someone venus conjunct my pluto in my 12th house . In re: to the 12th House attractions, not surprisingly, I always attract Gemini natives mostly Lunar Geminis, or those with Gemini strongly paced in their chart; i.e., Mercury, Venus or Mars. If he truely loves you, he will sooner or later find his way back to you. . The twelfth house by its nature is diffuse and undefined. Feeling an intense attraction but beyond the physical, even that he was the personification for what I find attractive in the opposite sex. Or they saw things in us that were not really there whether good or bad. I've never felt such a connection before, the passion too. I really have no idea whats going on but we have crazy placements, if anyone wants to discuss further please let me know!! the Venus person is allured into the partner's magical 12th house and held a dear captive there, but in NO way the Venus person would admit (willingly) that they have such strong feelings of love and adoration for the 12th house person. Its really SOMETHING, and at times its like being on a roller coaster ride. A example of how the hidden fears thing of this house works is that we often will have a bad dream about something we are afraid of happening or suppressed anger, and and fear can bring us nightmares. I resonate with the guy you wrote about in your article. It s killing me . The element of secrecy makes their relationship intense and glamorous. Hi Aida! I feel like a complete different being since I met him. I often attract men who has Leo personal planets which falls in my 12th house. Hi, 12th house placements are highly impressionable, they stay with you long after because it's a highly idealized house, be careful you can easily fool yourself. My Moon quincunx his Moon. Can you tell me whats really going on here? thanks for visiting! I dont want him anymore as he rejected me but I cant help but stop thinking about him. At least in a romantic situation, often what happens is that the house person doesn't "feel" or has a hard time seeing the love of the Venus person. Lot's of non-verbal communicating. DUBLIGATO all OVAH the place, lol!!! He was and is also a very adroit liar, and even though there was very great chemistry and connectedness between us, I had to end it. He is not letting me go, he comes into my dreams, only to message me next day.The whole story is like a novel really, with me running after him through half of the world, and yet he never asked anything more of me than comfort. And with that 12th house influence and everything I read about Mars in 12th house I started asking myself if I should stay away from him. Problem is that I feel like I know his soul. I had a very strong, sexy, DARK, dangerous and tumoultous tete-a-tete with a Sun/Gem Moon/Sag guy which put my Venus/Sag SMACK in his 12th House! Men take longer to grow up emotionally. Also VenusianMoon, the outside person (your boyfriend?) So, know that their insecurities and feelings may get in the way of connective relationships. I feel lost a lot of the time, but feel even more lost and dead inside whenever I walk away from him, but I never stay gone for too long, even though I claim I will never come back. Venus in your Partners 12th house The Venus person will be highly complimentative with the house person which will help increase their overall self-confidence. I have a very bad experience with someone's mars on my 12th house. What's weird to me is that I can't decide if he's intentionally obscuring himself or if it is unintentional based on the nature of his personality. Ill blink and its 1am. Howd you get over him and stop thinking about him? I love everything about astrology. Long story short I am finally over MY 12th House love for many of the reasons posted by Morag. The feeling that I am the only one dealing with the 12th house issues is so painful. Will you tell me what this mean in synastry? For instance, my Sun and Venus land in the 12th house of my ex/long term best friend. But I still hope. The relationship functions mostly on an unconscious level and there is often much misunderstood or misinterpreted if you arent very clear in your speaking with each other. I trust everything happens for a reason! But I didn't consider him anymore. You need some fire. With the negative aspect, the "Plutonian" personality can show jealousy and possessive tendencies toward the "Venusian" one, trying . We had an affair that was hidden, even though I would have given everything to be with him full time. You must be open and not make assumptions. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! The 12th house belongs to the triangle of salvation or Moksha Trikona while Venus is a very spiritual planet. I never know what hes thinking, which is rare for me. That said, I do know something about this. However, it was my Venus in his h12th. This person also has natal Neptune in their 7th house and MY Neptune falls in their 7th house. Sent 5 times a week. Without knowing of his opposite actions that indicate his interest in you, its hard to weigh this and determine what the deal is. It means he needs to work through then and the only way to do this is to, effectively lie to you, so he can havevtgecspace he needs to work through his issues. NO THANKS!!! We re still connected somehow bit in a weird way :(. Thanks Zahara, what you say makes sense. Otherwise we kind of don't touch. It's the planet of harmony, after all, and it brings harmony and luck to its house in your natal chart. I also faced this same situation from my present crush whom he married with the woman same as my first ex BF criteria. hello, does anyone by any chance have any experience with venus being in the 12th house within synastry? So the conversations might be heavy and deep, or they are at least exposing of one whether good or bad. Birthday Report Package Deluxe Transit Report 1 Year Get A Natal Chart ReportProgressed Chart Report Deluxe Asteroids Report Get A Solar Return Report Get A Lunar Return Report Child Natal Report 1 Year Transit Report Outer Planets, Find Your Soulmate Saturn Transit the 12th House Using Astrology To Get What You Want, Predicting Violence In Relationship: Mars in Synastry. We have opposite rising signs. When they found out about him talking to me they were furious that he never told me about THEM! I felt I was led to believe they cared for me, and while showering me with attention, long distance no less, never told me they had feelings for someone else they were trying to avoid. Often taking hour long walks around town/woods just the two of us, talking endlessly.I just see ALL this Neptunian energy and wonder if there is even a point of pursuing him that way rather than just staying really, really good friends. The Venus conjunct Juno synastry aspect is a frequent aspect in the charts of couples, and so is Juno trine Venus in synastry. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. In this case, the partner will have different tastes. Where you see Venus, you can expect things to have an easy flow. Having someones sun in your 12th though, I dont believe it is a nice experience for the planet person, especially a fire sun. :) Would also love to read about Double Whammies in the 12th if you have any info. The Sun person sees in the 11th house person someone, who they can spend pleasant time with. I also was getting crazy muscle twitches. Its unbelievably painful. As he has moved on, you must do also. And the worst part is I cant tell if hes going to be my salvation or my greatest self sabotage and final, complete ruination of my life. I either lied to myself or the other was lying to me and it was very difficult and painful to deal with. Are you afraid to admit your feelings? Maybe he bonds with us well because the three if us have gemini suns. The person whose Venus is in the 8th house of their partner adores their partner very much. I no longer see our reflection of each other I only see himself popping up in my mind here and there, but he now seems dark, untrustworthy, and truly not worth my time. Because people that are confident don't usually like to point out other's weakness's or make them feel bad. He has trouble verbalizing his feelings but he said he's always been like that. Orange. All information I have is the planet can see through the house person like cristal. Required fields are marked *. I just cant seem to walk away from him or shut down on him totally. You are BLESSED!! I wish you luck in dealing with your guy; maybe it will turn out sweeter than what I went through. Ironically, your experience sounds much like my own, excepting my 12th Houser turned mean and abusive, even though I was ARMS OPEN to him at all times. Look for hard aspects from his venus to your planets. This happens for me with my Neptune in the 1st house I can take in people's feelings, illness or a array of different things that pass through me temporarily. and my northnode conjuct on his jupiter and saturn on my 2nd house. My Sun, Venus and MErcury are in Aries and fall into his 12th, my moon in Sagittarius falls int his 7th and 8th and his moon in Scorpio into my 5th and his jupiter into my 1st. What he/she hates in something, i can see that they do the same thing, but they cant see it. At last i also found out that he was hidding some parts of his life. And I do, I don't ever want to judge or criticize him. Thanks for being so detailed. 12th house synastry is way too murky for me to tangle with. Your email address will not be published. I know exactly what you mean and boy is it hard to wrap your head around 12th house connections, there are other worldly and they leave a deep impression that is hard to shake off. Do you guys think it's possible to have a (happy) relationship with this placement?Looks like it always turns sour. His Venus is trine my Mars. Even when on partner likes the other one partner would not want to be seen with the other person for whatever reasons as in maybe wanting to keep their option open; definitely a "behind the scenes" situation. You are using an out of date browser. we are creepy to them, but cant seem to let us go. One who never had to deal with neptune before would have it very difficult to submerge themselves past the toes dipping. I have a venus in capricornso yes it is hard for me to let my feelings out..I don't expect to say I love youI just assume you should know it by my actions but for me on the other hand, I would need some reassurance from my partner. I'm very new here so read at your own risk! It's crazy. Questions like "Why do I feel so attracted to this person?" seems to come to mind when they are in each other's presence. I never even considered he couldve liked me because everyone liked him and every time I think he tried to tell me I shut him down cause I didnt want to be one of his conquests. I would be very interested as always in hearing about any findings or further experience or information you can conjur up! I can confirm that he appears in my dreams often and usually these are precognitive dreams. And it is hard and painful for a physical person like me. Same here. Good- have found your posting your threads really helpful to me too..trying to suss all this out too! (Waving with both hands) thanks much for the updates. Neptune can be downright painful, intentionally or not, he's the master illusionist and we can easily get tripped up in fantasy that is not really real at all. From: Georgia. Let me you move along. It's very common to do with placements in this house. Being with your spouse causes you to become more reflective and thoughtful. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 Any help would be greatly appreciated.p.s., any planet people willing to share their experience with their planets in someone's 12th would also be appreciated, As far as who feels what.. it would make sense they both would feel it since one persons planet is being housed ( in a environment) therefore the planet is being influenced also by the house person in their approach and the others is bringing the energy influence. afterall i suspected him of being phony and saw a fakeness in his's not that i have not learned from the previous lesson. I thaught his strange behavior had something to do with this. The 12th house is about secrets, fears, the subconscious, criminal activity, spirituality, ghosts, dreams, meditation, retreat, solitude, imprisonment, museums, hospitals, institutions, merging, imagination, the intangible, secrets, and the ways that you sabotage yourself. It is also present in my relationship. someone's venus in my 12th, feel unconditional/boundless love for him. Sigh.. I can feel him, seeing many good things in him that he never aware. Its a bit of a puzzle, really, and I may not be explaining it clearly, but I do see what you mean, Elsa, in mirroring tendencies. Its a 99% chance that hell hurt you, but what makes it bad is that the Mars person doesnt really know that they are. I dont know if he really loves me but Ive never felt this connected with someone before. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Some are just hung up on their exes. Except when one of us is going through any kind of emotional crisis, then we're pretty physically demonstrative. And thats when he disappeared. Its like the sayingif you Love someone let them go. I used to dream about them a lot. Their is so much fear between us. Im terribly afraid of this 12th house. It was a weird sort of dance, attract/ repulse. In the synastry between my husband and myself, my Mars and Saturn lands in his 12th house. When dealing with the spirit world, there are both positive and negative, you know good and bad people and spirits. He is the same, because even if there is nothing that ties us, in any way, we would still feel like inclined to keep communicating. He said, he hadn't and he just hoped we could be good friends when he returned. Someone I love very deeply has his Venus and Sun and Jupiter and Mercury in my 12th house (actually, his Venus is tightly conjunct my ascendant and as I ignore his time of birth, it can fall also in my 1st house). I am very partnered elsewhere in my life but looked up his chart because he feels like family or someone i knew in a past life or something. But he is confused how I feel this way without needing anything. I have also experienced it as not wanting anyone to know about the relationship or not knowing where you stand. The Venus person gets all silly lovestruck everytime they see their object of desire. In all cases this is really karmic moment. My gemini sun, cancer north node are in my 12th. You are using an out of date browser. Now, the twelfth house is a tricky house when it is activated in synastry. does the planet that falls in your 12th aspect anything else in your chart? What I have found in common is that they both were very aggressive, affectionate and attached to me at the beginning, but once after, i state to feel I dont know them or what their true intentions are, and left me somehow insecure and confused. My Mars,North node and Pluto(in my DC) conjunct his Uranus and Saturn in the 1st house. Yes i do believe it possible to work even if you have not physically met as crazy as that sounds, my experience with this house has shown it to be a very magical house, that has roots in the past. He left few weeks after we met for a travel for six months. like a Gemini (no offense meant) they are both good and evil, but THEIR Evil Twin often does the acting out. Venus is the planet of love which makes him lovable by his likable behavior and persuasive way of talking. I've never experienced Venus in my 12th house until now, but yup That's what it is like. i also met someone else in between all this somewhere who also had venus in my 12th who i had a lot of weird occurences with. Infatuation can't run this deep. As a matter of fact it's very difficult to word. And if they are thus planted in your 12th House, soon the fun begins with you feeling like you were run over by a truck or a fast-moving train. Hi Aida, very interesting what you say.. Well you know, Neptune rules the 12th house, which is idealization, so in a sense these people will appear to be our ideal! As somebody with a 10th house stellium, including Mars, Moon, & Venus with Aries on the midheaven-if somebody fails to openly display their feelings for me, I'm gone. I think anyway 12th house is involved. The Venus person will like the way you conduct yourself, your . He makes me breakdown so many barriers. This is especially true if that person's Venus is conjunct your ascendant (the more tightly conjunct, the stronger the attraction). I felt, I felt sooo hard, in a glance, while looking in his eyes, and feeling like I had know this person for ages. Hi Aida! Venus Synastry in the Houses PATH-STROLOGY Utilizing Astrology to Find Your Path Home Natal Placements / Aspects Synastry Placements / Aspects Composite Placements / Aspects Planet: Sun Planet: Moon Planet: Mars Planet: Venus Planet: Jupiter Planet: Uranus Planet: Pluto Asteroids + Points Celebrities / The Infamous Past Life Astrology This house offers the opportunity to discover these things so we can let them go and live a life with less baggage and more happiness. My 12th Houser actually taught and showed me the GEMINI IN ME that I was in denial of. Im so sorry for the delay! Wow! Topic: Venus in 12th house Synastry: KarkaQueen Knowflake . Every time I talk to him about something, I feel loved and at peace. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! I leave, but I always come back after a while. Posts: 15From: united statesRegistered: Jun 2013. The water faucet with no shut off valve, lol. It means he has an inner conflict going on that is psychological in nature. A recent look at someone else's synastry made me question this placement. It just went down a long and winding road until it got out of control. His Venus is also conjunct my Pluto and we also have Venus square Venus. Trish how did you get over it!?! But all of my life I have been in the habit of TWOISMS . I have Jupiter sun and mars in his 12th house in cancer and I really hope I didnt hurt him. But yet together telepathically and spirtually. I find myself questioning him all the time, whether or not I believe him or believe what he says. There are other harsh aspects between our charts, but overall the more connective and important synastry points overrule the bad. Hes not cold at all. Im more of a silent reader but this one hit home, so I ll share my two cents. He seem to know all about me even i don't tell or exposed my darkest psyche to him. To me and my daughter since we both dont have our dads. I believe it caused a lot of confusing both for him n I. W. hen someone's Venus falls in your 1st house, that person probably finds you physically attractive. When someone's planet (s) fall in your twelfth house, you might feel somewhat unsettled, and you might find that your partner finds you somewhat elusive as well. Boy did WE clash, but seemingly there were no 12th House synastries between us. Venus in 12th entirely depends on how well both people can handle Neptune. My own Dad was a Sun/Gemini native who made TWIN SIGN siblings (he was a classic Gemini man with multiple marriages and households, lol!) Im so obsessed with him. He might love you but in his own way.

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